The Blood Of Jesus | Pastor Mike Robicheaux
What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul when the king of glory paid it all with his blood so that you and I can be redeemed. Thank you for joining us again for Sermons on the Swamp, the classic. My name is Lloyd, and with me, I have brother Anthony. And can you go ahead and give us the title of today's message?
Anthony Hayes:Yes, sir. I sure can. It's called the blood of Jesus. It was done March 1992. Wow.
Anthony Hayes:That was a long time ago.
Lloyd:Yeah. That would be before I was born.
Anthony Hayes:Wow. I was probably maybe 6 or 5 years old maybe or a little younger. I was young.
Lloyd:Yeah. Because that is yeah. About 30 years old now. You know?
Anthony Hayes:Nineties, eighties. Right? About nineties or eighties, about that range?
Lloyd:Yeah. 92. Yeah. So, yeah, it'd be, 30 years. Wow.
Lloyd:30 years in after almost 31 because they're in December right now.
Anthony Hayes:Wow. Wow. I was listening today. I was like, man, it brings back a lot of memories, man. Yeah.
Anthony Hayes:Oof. Good sermons.
Lloyd:Yeah. Definitely, definitely a good one. And, like I said before, I know we we haven't had one come up in a while. But so, yeah, we're gonna continue to bring out, you know, the basics of salvation and what it is to to be a believer.
Lloyd:So, yeah, here's the letter of Jesus from, brother Mike from March of 1992.
Mike Robicheaux:God purchased this church with his own blood. Without this one thing, the blood of Jesus Christ, we're hell bound, we're helpless, and we're hopeless, And it was only the blood of Jesus Christ to make us fit to go to heaven. There's no other way around it. Without the shedding of blood,
Mike Robicheaux:there's no remission of sin. And outside the blood of
Mike Robicheaux:Jesus, there is no sin, sin, you've missed it all. No blood, no salvation. You find that's the 20th chapter. You give by a chance to find it. Okay.
Mike Robicheaux:Act 20. Y'all found it? Okay. Then put your finger there, and we're gonna turn in Romans the 8 chapters, the next book over. And we're gonna read those verses first, so we could tie them in together.
Mike Robicheaux:I'm like you. I'm trying to feel this out myself. So amen. Hallelujah. Amen.
Mike Robicheaux:We have so much to be thankful for. Amen. God's blessing is so rich and he's just so good to us, but it wasn't a cheap price that we achieved all these things by. Romans chapter 8. You know, we can't have neglected or take it for granted that God is doing these things just because he loved us and he does, but it cost him a great price in the things what he does for us.
Mike Robicheaux:But divine right now, you know, when I go before Lord and whenever the devil's attacking me and my
Mike Robicheaux:mind and my, you
Mike Robicheaux:know, whatever I have or whatever, but, you know, is me and my mind and my, you know, whatever I have or whatever, but you know, is mine, my family's, I have
Mike Robicheaux:a right
Mike Robicheaux:to stand up against him because you see, I no longer belong to myself. I was bought with a price, a price that there's nothing in this world that can compare to it. Couple of verses of scripture. And I'm gonna start in verse 31. Romans 8 and verse 31.
Mike Robicheaux:What shall we say then to these things? If God before us, who can be against us? Now, listen to this verse. He did spare not his own son, but delivered him up for us all. How shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Mike Robicheaux:Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justify it. Who is he that condemn it? It is Christ that died, J rather is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God who may also make it intercession for us. And Man, those are some pretty good verses what I just read.
Mike Robicheaux:Amen. Many, many, many a time when, you know, the devil brings doubt and discouragement. Man, listen, I read that and I said and it says so many times, if God, didn't spare his own son, how how should he not also freely give me all things? I mean, if he didn't spare the best he had, what's there
Mike Robicheaux:anything else in this life that could be compared
Mike Robicheaux:to that he would not give you? Acts chapter 20. And let me read you, this verse of scripture. I wanna read verse 28. He says, and take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood.
Mike Robicheaux:Not a powerful verse of scripture, but let's go into Lord in prayer before we get into him. Lord, in Jesus name, we thank you for this morning. Lord, we gather together, Lord, according to your word says, Lord, not to forsake it, but Lord to gather ourselves together, Lord, and more so as we see that day approaching. And Lord, we come this morning, Lord, first off to worship you and to bless your name for all that you've done for us. We've come together, Lord God, that we might edify one another.
Mike Robicheaux:We've come together to hear your word that it might have its work in our life. We come Lord that our needs might be met this morning. And Father, we trust you and we believe you that great things to be done this day. In Jesus name, Acts the 20th chapter with the Apostle Paul, he realized, he's shown by the spirit that he would be going to Jerusalem, they'd be arrested, and eventually be brought before Caesar, and eventually be beheaded. He realized it'd be the last time he'd ever lay eyes on these disciples to go In this area, he called all the, elders together to pastor the churches and this is one of the warnings what he gave them To take heed therefore unto yourself and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he has purchased with his own blood.
Mike Robicheaux:Now, let's look at verse of scripture. God purchased this blood his church with his own blood. He purchased it with his own blood. Man, that speaks a lot. Jesus Christ is more than just the man.
Mike Robicheaux:Amen. You
Mike Robicheaux:know, the Bible also
Mike Robicheaux:says, you know, God is a spirit, but let me tell you, God is also a man. God is a God who became man. But he came just for one reason, that his blood might be shed to buy our eternal salvation. He purchased this church with his own blood. He purchased this blood, this church
Mike Robicheaux:with his own blood.
Mike Robicheaux:I want you to turn to 1st Peter, the first chapter. Let's look at another verse of scripture. Oh, it's going to get good. Lord is so good to us. Now, we got to understand, man, about about the the blood of Jesus, you know, and get away from churchianity and then, theologies and and and get back to what the basics really mean.
Mike Robicheaux:You know, even the apostle Paul said, you know, when I came to you, the Corinthian church, I came to you as much trembling and fear. You know, in my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power. In the verses before that, Paul said, I come to you knowing nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. Amen. It doesn't seem like a lot of people today would excite a lot of people when they hear, Well, who wants to hear about someone being put to death?
Mike Robicheaux:Well, this is everything to the Christians, how God came down and willingly gave up his life and and suffered so much for us. In 1st Peter, the first chapter in the 18th verse, for as much as you know that you were not redeemed or that word redeem means, you know, bought, purchased, with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition of your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. Man, these verses listen, I don't know if they're doing something, but but but they they they're speaking a lot. Amen. God didn't have to sell off part of his properties in heaven, didn't have to auction off, part of the streets of gold, didn't have to sell one of the, pearly gates in order to buy our salvation.
Mike Robicheaux:It would have never done it. It was corruptible. He had it caused something that that that you and I have no idea how much value the most valuable thing in all of this universe his own blood and he purchased it. And this is why we have to understand our redemption. Without this one thing, the blood of Jesus Christ, we're hell bound, we're helpless, and we're hopeless.
Mike Robicheaux:And it was only the blood of Jesus Christ that make us fit to go to heaven. You know, all of us, you look at natural man, they wanna they all wanna do something, be something, and give something another to get there. But we have to understand that that, this this religion we're in is a bloody religion. I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say. I was raised up in the Catholic church and there, the every Sunday, the priest offered up a a chalice to wine and a host and And this was so said, a reenactment of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, but it was a bloodless sacrifice that'll never take away sins, never take away sins.
Mike Robicheaux:The Bible says in Hebrews 9 in verse 22, and without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Nothing else can wash away my sins but the blood of Jesus Christ, belonging to the right churches and rituals and, you know, doing good things will never get
Mike Robicheaux:me there. It took
Mike Robicheaux:the blood of Jesus Christ. Now, this blood has a long, long trail. It started way back in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve, when they failed, they were deceived by Satan and it says in Genesis 3:7, and the eyes of both of them were open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And it's just like religion today. They have everything to try to cover up the shame of their nakedness.
Mike Robicheaux:This means their sins. I mean, they put on good works. They put on rituals. They put on belong to the right churches. Doing all kind of good things to cover up, but God condemned it.
Mike Robicheaux:Anybody could have sold fig leaves together. But the bible says that God took an innocent animal. First time blood was ever shed in this universe. And there it says in Genesis 3 21, and unto Adam also into his wife, did God make coats of skin and clothe them at the expense of an innocent animal and its blood, it covered up their shame. And God demands it even to this day.
Mike Robicheaux:And all of our good works will never pay for it. He demands blood atonement. He demands that it be sinless blood and that can't be found this earth. And what God demands, God provide it. I want you to turn in Luke the 22nd chapter, and these are gonna be real familiar scriptures unto you.
Mike Robicheaux:In Luke, the 22nd chapter, amen. Hallelujah. Lord, we thank you. And we praise you. JASON:
Mike Robicheaux:Amen. JASON: Hallelujah. JASON: Hallelujah. JASON: And we praise you. JASON: And we praise you.
Mike Robicheaux:JASON: And the only place this
Mike Robicheaux:kind of blood could be found was in the lamb of God. That's John, the Baptist that once said, when he saw Jesus walking, behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. Now, we see the same lamb gathered together with his disciples and eat one last supper with them before he knew he'd go out to suffer, lay his life down for the sins of all of us. And listen at this very closely. I'm gonna start in verse 14.
Mike Robicheaux:Luke 22 and verse 14. And when the hour was come, he sat down and the 12 apostles with him. And he said unto them, with desire have I desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. And I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. And he took the cup and gave thanks and said this, divide it take this and divide it among yourselves.
Mike Robicheaux:For I say unto you, they will not drink of the fruit of the vine till the kingdom of God shall come. And you took bread and gave thanks and break it and gave it to them saying, this is my body which given for you. This do in remembrance of me. Likewise, also, the cup after supper saying that this cup is the new testament in my blood which is shed for you. You know, there's, a lot of people, they take the Lord's supper for granted.
Mike Robicheaux:Little ritual and they, you know, they they, you know, they give the bread and the wine and say, you know, remember the Lord Jesus. But let me tell you, it tells you better remember his death until it's come. His death is probably one of the most horrible in all of history. How that an innocent man, even judges where he went before his pilot, knew he was innocent. He was a where he went before his pilot, knew he was innocent.
Mike Robicheaux:He was a professional judge. He knew. And he said, I find no fault with this man, but because the will of man was exerted, it's still to condemn him to death. Beat him like black was saying with a cat and eye tail till his flesh was torn. Says in acts I mean in Proverbs 22, he said, I can look and count all my bones for they stare at me.
Mike Robicheaux:The Bible says in Isaiah 53, he was so moored. His visage visage was so moored that he could really be recognized that he was a man. They plucked his beard. They beat him with their hands. And then finally, they nailed him to a crawl.
Mike Robicheaux:Because of us. But yet, so many people want to go back to that and remember the upper room experience, but it's not the upper room people. It's the cross that remember. And that's what it says for us to remember. God demands blood and a man will either be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ or he'll burn in hell forever and ever.
Mike Robicheaux:There's no other way around it. Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin. And outside the blood of Jesus, there is no other saving power. Now listen, that's strange to most churches today. We have to preach.
Mike Robicheaux:We have to always keep it before us. The awful price it cost us for our salvation. I wanna read in Romans the 3rd chapter. Us as spirit filled, us as, I guess we could say people who have faith and wanna believe God and have faith in God, there's a right way to direct your faith to make it work in your life. The apostle Paul preached about the blood of your savior, Jesus Christ, also.
Mike Robicheaux:In Romans the 3rd chapter Romans the 3rd chapter in 21st verse. But now, the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets, even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all that they believe. For there is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Being justified freely by his grace, we have redemption that is that through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God to declare, I say, at this time his righteousness that he might be just and a justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then is it excluded?
Mike Robicheaux:By what law? Of works? Neigh, but by the law of fate. Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Now, listen to what he's saying.
Mike Robicheaux:A man is justified by faith but faith in what? All we all say surely by faith in Jesus Christ. But listen. Was it is it faith in that he was born of a virgin? Is it faith that he came to this world and was born and that's what all the world wants to remember as we call you know, the world calls Christmas night?
Mike Robicheaux:Is that what we have to have faith in? Do we have to have faith in him? Is that he was once baptized by John the Baptist? Do we have to have faith in him that he was full of the Holy Ghost? Do we have to have faith in him that he did miracles, raised the dead, healed the sick, cast out devils?
Mike Robicheaux:Do we have to have faith in him that he lived a sinless life? All these things are good, but let me tell you something. The only thing that will save a man is having faith in his shed blood. Without it, there is no salvation. You can believe in Jesus all you want, but if you don't believe in the blood that was shed for your sins, you've missed it all.
Mike Robicheaux:No blood, no salvation. Jesus could have lived a sinless life, died of natural causes and it would have done you no good. It was his blood that had to be shed or sacrificed for you. That's what bought it. This blood.
Mike Robicheaux:Listen, I know the need of a church and especially this church more than any other need we have in our church all around. We need to see God's spirit moving. Hello? We need to be filled with the Holy Ghost. It's a divine right that the blood of Jesus Christ bought for us.
Mike Robicheaux:And you know, there's so many times the devil's coming against the church and saying, Well, that's it. That's it. It's all there is. It is just your salvation. But listen, you better understand something.
Mike Robicheaux:Victoriously. And all the
Mike Robicheaux:way we're gonna go through this walk with Jesus Christ victoriously
Mike Robicheaux:is to take exactly what he gave to us. What was brought for us with that blood. And that was our right to be filled with his spirit. That's what the blood was came to wash this temple out, to cleanse this temple out, to remove all sin from it so that his Spirit could come and dwell in these temples. And you know what that's what he's still seeking for?
Mike Robicheaux:I want you to quickly read a verse of scripture in Titus, the second chapter. Now, Titus is found right after 2nd Timothy. In Titus, the second chapter the 3rd chapter. Excuse me. Titus, the 3rd chapter.
Mike Robicheaux:I'm gonna start the 3rd verse. For we ourselves were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving diverse lust and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But after that, the kindness and love of God, our our savior towards men appeared, not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which is shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our savior. Now that washing of regeneration means all of us had to go through a washing. We had to be cleansed from our sin and let me tell you, The only thing that'll wash away sins is the blood of Jesus Christ.
Mike Robicheaux:Why? Way back in the Old Testament when God was sent Moses into the land of Egypt to redeem his people Israel, that had been slaves there, or had been in happiness for 4 50 years. The time was come for them to to to be taken out of this land and brought to their own land, the promised land. God sent Moses, sent it to pharaoh and he said, let my people go. Pharaoh refused so God began to pour out plagues to a point where he was more than willing to let them go.
Mike Robicheaux:The last plague that was that was poured out was gonna be called the Passover, where the death angel was gonna pass out all the land of Egypt. And there, everyone that didn't have the blood that was instructed by God over the doorpost of their house, any home that didn't have this, in that house, there would be a death of the firstborn that night. But the Israelites, in obedience to God, they slain an innocent innocent lamb. His blood was put over the door post of the house. And that night when the death angel passed not one soul died in in all this camp.
Mike Robicheaux:But he said, this is something. He said, you know, the the bible says that God said, when I see the blood, I will pass over you. And you know, in our lost condition, when God seen our sins, that's what he's seen. And he couldn't pass over judgment on us. We were we were guilty.
Mike Robicheaux:We were doomed for hell. But the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 5:7, Christ, our passover is sacrificed for us. And now because of this now, when I stand before God, judgement can be passed over me because he must see the blood. Everybody says this and what counts they say well as if God sees Jesus in you. That is true to a certain extent, but what God has to see in our life is the blood of his son on our souls.
Mike Robicheaux:When I see the blood, I will pass over. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can convert the soul. It's more than being washed in the blood is having a brand new life. Jesus said, a man must be born again. What does that mean?
Mike Robicheaux:Is it just saying the sinner's prayer? No. No. No. No.
Mike Robicheaux:No. No. That's repenting of your sin, the blood of Jesus Christ washing it, his spirit coming to your life and you're made a brand new creature in Christ Jesus. And it's only the blood of Jesus Christ that can do that. In the Old Testament, they had an example of people who contracted a terrible disease called leprosy where their skin would literally rot off the ears, the eyelids, the noses, the lips, the feet, the fingers would begin to rot away until they just finally they just they just it got so bad, it would kill them.
Mike Robicheaux:It was a horrible disease. But if in the instance that they they were cured, it stopped, they were to go into the priest of Atlanta. He was to offer up a sacrifice for them. And the bible then it says I don't want to take time to read in Leviticus 14 verse 20. The priest would then proclaim them as clean.
Mike Robicheaux:And they could once again go home, or they could be amongst their own people. Because see, when you're a leopard, you are an outcast. You couldn't come near anyone. You had to always cover yourself with rough boar and put something over your mouth and always cry unclean, unclean, and live by yourself away from other people. And you know, that's what, mankind is like without God.
Mike Robicheaux:Without the blood of Jesus Christ, you're a spiritual leper. God can't have anything to do with you. But once the blood is applied, we now can approach into God. Leprosy is always portrayed as a type of sin until we're cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. It says in Revelation 1:5, unto him, that's Jesus, who loved us and washed from our sins in his own blood.
Mike Robicheaux:He loved us and he done something. He shed his blood. Revelations 59 says, and has redeemed us to God by thy blood. I want you to turn to Ephesians the second chapter. In the book of Ephesians, the second chapter, let me try to make you understand something.
Mike Robicheaux:When we open up this book, what we call the bible, especially when we open up the section as Christians we call the New Testament, Do you realize what he's saying? God has enacted a brand new covenant with all mankind. A brand new agreement, a brand new contract, that's what Jesus said. This is the blood that was shed for a new testament unto us. We're not under the old law.
Mike Robicheaux:The Bible says no one could keep the law and by the law no man is justified. It was only there until the time was right for Jesus to come and he would reenact a brand new testament with us. A contract and agreement with us. But it cost him his own blood. That's why whenever you read something in the new testament, this is your contract with God.
Mike Robicheaux:God shows you his part. What he done to make this contract of becoming the force. In Ephesians chapter 2, let me start at verse 8. Some of these verses might sound familiar, and what the blood of Jesus Christ has done for us. Starting in verse 8, for by grace are you saved through faith and not of yourselves.
Mike Robicheaux:It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus, unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. Pastime you being in the pastime Gentiles in the flesh uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hand, which all the Jewish nation, they realized they were God's chosen people. Anyone who are gentiles such as we are, that's what we will call the uncircumcised. In their eyes, we were dulled.
Mike Robicheaux:We were nothing meant nothing to God meant nothing to them. But it says in the 12 verse, and at that at that time, you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenants and promise, having no hope without
Mike Robicheaux:God in
Mike Robicheaux:the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you who sometimes were far off are now made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace who has made both one and have broken down the middle wall of partition between us and hath abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man and so making peace that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross enmity, thereby, and came and preached peace to you that were afar off to them that were nigh, and to them that were nigh. For through him, we both have access by one spirit unto the father. Now therefore, you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God.
Mike Robicheaux:All of this our citizenship that that he bought for us now we belong to the kingdom of heaven gotta read I can read it. I got it written now but I'm gonna let you read it in Hebrews 10th chapter because this is it's just so great. It's just so so, I don't know. Words can't really express it when we really come to grasp what Jesus did for us. You see, in the Old Testament, God gave Moses a type and a pattern of something that was in Heaven.
Mike Robicheaux:He told them to build a tabernacle where God would dwell and there was a holy where where no one can approach except the priests. And then, they had the Holiest of Holies where there was a great veil between which no man ever came behind there except the high priest once a year. And then he really couldn't see what was going on. It was in the midst of great darkness. And he could only go in with with with the shed blood of an animal and sprinkle it.
Mike Robicheaux:Then, he had to wait and see if God would accept the sacrifice. No man ever went behind the Holies of Holies. No man can go there without being killed. You understand? Which meant no one could go before the presence of God.
Mike Robicheaux:No one. But listen to this verse of scripture. In Hebrews 10 and verse 19, having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. By a new and a living way which he has consecrated for us through the veil. That is to say, his flesh.
Mike Robicheaux:And having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Listen. This is supposed to do something with the blood of Jesus. I was raised up in religion all my life and I'd pray the prayers they said to pray and that's all it was. I just say prayers, but it's not supposed to be so with a born again child of God.
Mike Robicheaux:The blood of Jesus Christ, you have to understand, the thing that kept us out of God's presence was our sins. But here Jesus came and reenacted or enacted the new testament. His blood was shed. His blood washed us from all our sins. And I can have boldness but I gotta be sure I'm under the blood and I know when when all my sins are washed away.
Mike Robicheaux:I just you just gotta I don't know how to explain it, but understand that when you come before God it's not a ritual any longer. It's not saying words. You're coming before the King of all this universe and he's hearing you. And he's gonna help you. He's gonna, give you what you need because of that blood.
Mike Robicheaux:That blood. You can have boldness now. What mankind can never do before. A Christian now can have boldness to go behind the veil because of that blood. I want you while you're right around here in Colossians the first chapter.
Mike Robicheaux:In Colossians, the first chapter. I'm trying to show you some scriptures what this blood has bought for you. In Colossians, the first chapter, I've heard many people say it. Especially black says a lot, man. Thank God for the peace that I now have.
Mike Robicheaux:Hello? I mean, you can look out there in the world and see people that have no peace. I mean, they got to drug it up, drink it up, try some kind of psychiatric aids to try to ease the tension in their minds because there's no peace. I mean, how do you expect people to have peace when they're in enmity with God, rebelling against God, and no way to get to God, but once a person hears the gospel, a simple gospel of how Jesus loves you so much that he paid for your sin and that person accepts that sacrifice and Jesus comes and and dwells in that person. It says this in Colossians, the first chapter and the 20th verse, and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things to himself by him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven.
Mike Robicheaux:And you who are sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now have he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight. A person that's under the blood of Jesus Christ. Man, what a peace. That's one of the first things I realized when I was born again. It was like being a little baby all over again with really no worries.
Mike Robicheaux:And and I mean, it's just a cleansed mind. Peace. Peace. But, you see, that's what Jesus does. That's what his blood is purchased.
Mike Robicheaux:I don't have to no longer if something happens to me if I died suddenly, if something happened to me I don't have to worry about, am I ready? What's going to happen to me? I have peace with God now because of his blood. I have peace. Up a little bit in Philippians, Ephesians.
Mike Robicheaux:In Ephesians, the first chapter, listen to this verse of scripture. Ephesians, the first chapter. Thank God for the peace. Now, I want you to thank God that your sins are pardoned. You know what that means?
Mike Robicheaux:If you committed a great crime, just say you've you've killed people. You're a murderer. And before he'd go before the judge and he'd say, boy, you're guilty and we condemn you to death to be executed. But something would happen and and and and you'd receive a pardon from the government. They said, that's it.
Mike Robicheaux:You pardon. You're forgiven. You all have to stand the sentence that was handed down to you. What do you think that person would be like? But you see, all of us are criminals before God whenever we've sinned.
Mike Robicheaux:And all of us had a debt sentence over our head and ours is an eternity in hell. Be it because of Jesus Christ, it says in Ephesians the first chapter and the 7th verse. Let me start in the 6th verse. To the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.
Mike Robicheaux:That same word for redemption is the word for pardoning through his blood. Man, it feels so good knowing I was guilty, but because of Jesus blood, now I'm pardon of the debt sentence that was over my head. Man, thank God that now we can have victory because of his blood. It says in Revelation 12:11, they overcame him, the devil, by the word of their testimony and by the blood of the lamb. And they loved not their lives until death.
Mike Robicheaux:But because of the blood of Jesus, anything the devil comes against you with and it's under the blood, you can stand against him and claim that blood because let me tell you, when he sees the blood, he can't touch you. And he'll bluff you. He'll try to make you go every way around it and get you away from it. But let me tell you, when you're under the blood, the devil can't touch you. He cannot touch you when you're under that blood.
Mike Robicheaux:It says in 1st John 17, you know what if, the Bible said, if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another. It's all about our fellowship with God, unbroken fellowship with God and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son, cleansed us from all sin. His blood is just constantly washing and cleansing us and keeping us spotless as we walk in that light. You know, it says also and I want you to read these verses in Revelation 7th chapter. In Revelation 7th chapter.
Mike Robicheaux:Let read these verses. Revelation 7th chapter. Now, this takes us a little bit, ahead in time. These are talking about some of the tribulation saints who have not been ready when the rapture happened. But nevertheless, they got to heaven the same way we're going to get to heaven.
Mike Robicheaux:I want you to read in Revelation 7 and verse 9. It says, and after this, I'll beheld and low a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and peoples and tongue stood before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robes and pounds in their hand, and cry with a loud voice saying, salvation to our God, which sits on the throne and unto the lamb. Now, I want you to go on down in the 14th verse. And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. And he said unto me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
Mike Robicheaux:A little song always goes. It never change. What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Listen, that's not popular religion today.
Mike Robicheaux:They go every way around it and use everything else. They use psychology and and all kind of little gimmicks to to make people believe their sins are gone. But the only one thing that'll ever get washed away sin is the blood of Jesus Christ. And when that blood touches your soul, you're not the same person any longer. Hallelujah.
Mike Robicheaux:He's just so good to us. In Hebrews, the 9th chapter Hebrews, the 9th chapter. Listen at these verse. I'm just trying to show you part of your covenant with God, what he's done to to bring us together under this covenant. In Hebrews, the 9th chapter.
Mike Robicheaux:Amen. When you stop and you think of all the 1,000,000 of innocent sheep, lambs, oxen, bullets, goats, whose blood was shed through the time the law was given, all of that would never compare to one drop of the blood of Jesus. These covered man sin for a time. Never washed him away. It's not possible.
Mike Robicheaux:Hebrews 9 verse 13. For the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctified through the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God. Listen It more than washed away your sins and washed away your conscience that now you know you can walk before the Lord with no condemnation, with no guilt, knowing you belong to him, that you will purchase with that price. Amen. Let me tell you something.
Mike Robicheaux:The powers of hell tremble when they see that blood. When the blood of Jesus even mentioned, they tremble. It says in Revelation 1 17 18, fear not. I am the 1st and the last. I am he that liveth and was dead.
Mike Robicheaux:Jesus talking. And behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And have the keys of hell and of death. It says in Romans 8:30 37, and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Mike Robicheaux:But it's all because of Jesus. We're mighty conquerors through him. He'll always cause us to have the triumph through him. Because you see, when they see the blood and you use the blood, you learn how to use the blood of Jesus Christ, Know how to claim your rights because of what Jesus did for you. The devil can't touch you.
Mike Robicheaux:The blood. The blood, not your goodness, not how great you are, not the gifts you have. Only one thing causes the devil to tremble and to flee. It's the blood of Jesus Christ. That blood that was shed nearly 2000 years ago was still just as much alive today as it was then.
Mike Robicheaux:Never changed. Because we can read what into the future when Jesus Christ is returning to this earth. It says in revelations 19 13, and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God. In heaven, we read in the book of Revelation. Everywhere you read about the lamb, you read about the lamb that was slain.
Mike Robicheaux:That means it's a lamb that has a lot of blood on it. Beautiful picture? No. It was horrible what Jesus suffered, but it had to be done. When Jesus was taken prisoner and brought before Pilate and he was condemned to death, Pilate did one last that.
Mike Robicheaux:He realized he couldn't prevail against the high priest and the people and he said, well, let him be crucified. But he took a basin of water and he washed his hands in that water. He said, I see to it that I'm innocent from the blood of this just person or this innocent person. I wish it would be that simple. That water could wash away that sin.
Mike Robicheaux:But the people cried out and they said, you know, his blood be upon us and our children. And it worked out that way. Nation of Israel, though there were a lot of them, they did get saved. As a nation, though, they still rebelled against him. And God did find that blood on them, but that blood was on their hands.
Mike Robicheaux:And the nation of Israel has suffered terribly since then. Their nation was destroyed. They were dispersed all the world. And to this day, they still suffer great trouble. And the worst is yet to come in the tribulation period where God is going to use this time to turn them unto him when they're going to realize all this time that blood is on their hands, should have been on their hearts.
Mike Robicheaux:The Bible says when they see Jesus coming, they're going to see him coming, in the hands and feet they've pierced. They're going to realize all this time it was their Messiah. But you see, there's only 2 places the blood will go today. We're all guilty of nailing Jesus to that cross with our sins. And when Lord looks at us, it's either going to find the blood on our hands or that blood on our souls.
Mike Robicheaux:And that's where it belongs. The Bible says in Hebrews 10th chapter, I think it's the 38 verse, how much sore punishment shall he be thought worthy who despise, you know, the blood of this covenant or he counted the blood of this covenant as an unholy thing and then just spy into the spirit of grace. Don't ever think too lightly of what Jesus did and the blood that was shed. It'll be the worst judgment you've ever seen someone to spurn against that this blood that was shed and make fun of it and think nothing of it. So I want every head bowed.
Mike Robicheaux:I just want to ask a question. We don't have a lot of time left. And you know what? Jesus is soon to return. There's no doubt about it.
Mike Robicheaux:We don't have to read a Bible. I don't have to preach it to you. You know in your heart the signs are all there. Jesus is so gracious and merciful. I think he's he's given every man that chance right now because they just know that something is going to happen.
Mike Robicheaux:It is going to happen. This world is never going to be the same once Jesus returns. But I want to ask you something right now regarding your relationship with him. That blood that was shed, I want to ask you, where will you have it? On your hands when it returns?
Mike Robicheaux:Or will it be applied to your soul and having all your sins washed away and by buying you eternal life? I want to ask you this. If there's anyone here that's never accepted Jesus Christ in their hearts and life And that precious blood that was shed for them has never been applied to their hearts. I want to ask you to not let the death of Jesus Christ be in vain for you. That you take what he did for you and accept it for your life and repent of your sins, and let him wash you from their sins and become a new creature in him.
Mike Robicheaux:I'm asking you this here. And then if anyone listened to this tape and doesn't know Jesus Christ, they only know a historical figure but not a living Jesus Christ. Now is the time to make it right with him to repent of your sins. Ask him to forgive you. Ask for that precious blood to wash you from your sins and and for him to put your name in the lamb's book of life that you might have eternal life And let him do that work in you.
Mike Robicheaux:Is there anyone here is there anyone here that the blood of Jesus Christ is not over the door post of their house, meaning their hearts, so that when he comes in judgment, he can pass over? Is there anyone?
Lloyd:As you just heard from brother Mike, is the blood on your hands or on your heart? If you do want to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, I have right now pastor Lenny Hayes who'd be willing to lead you into prayer right now.
Lanny Hayes:I'm pastor Lenny Hayes from the Coto Holmes Fellowship Church. I would like to lead you in a prayer of salvation If you don't know Jesus, pray with me that your soul could be made right that you can find Jesus in your life and come and change you Dear God in heaven, I ask you to forgive me for all my sins to come into my life, to turn my heart towards you. I renounce this world and all its earthly earthly goods. I come to you believing that you died and rose again, lord Jesus, and that you're coming back to get your church. I believe that you're the redeemer of all mankind.
Lanny Hayes:I ask you right now to forgive me for all of my sins, to come into my heart and to save me, to change me that I may be more like you. Take away every sin, every reproach I ever made against you, lord. In Jesus' name, thank you, lord Jesus. Hallelujah. If you have you have said this prayer with me, give God the glory for now you're saved, and now you're redeemed.
Lanny Hayes:If you really meant it in your heart, Christ is coming to your life. God bless you.
Anthony Hayes:Well, the the thing I, like, I noticed about when he was talking about this is, like, how much detail he put into scripture. Like, you could tell he really like if you listen to pastor Mike, our brother Mike, he liked to be called brother Mike when he was alive. He used to fuss at me every time. I tell him pastor Mike once in a while. He's like, brother Mike.
Anthony Hayes:I wanna be called brother Mike. Don't call him father Mike. Exactly. Oh, he really got upset if you called him father Mike. He didn't like that.
Anthony Hayes:But, anyway and I, I noticed, like, how you listen to your sermons. It's like it's amazing. I was thinking about something I was probably I'm hoping I can do it Sunday, but but, a message I was about I was getting ready. And some things he mentioned, he's like, wow. I was gonna mention something similar to that or kind of add that to my sermon already a little bit with some things he said.
Anthony Hayes:So I was like, oh, wow. So I knew I was on the right track. So that kind of that helps you out when you listen to these classics. Mostly me doing my Bible studies and and and studying the Bible, when I hear something, you go back to your roots, and you're like, okay. Well, I'm on the right direction.
Anthony Hayes:And I don't know if it's because what I learned back then is coming back to me now again. What everything I learned from him is coming back with my sermons. That could happen, and this is amazing how
Lloyd:yeah. Well, you see, it should be the same metric today Yeah. As it was 30 years ago with this recording.
Mike Robicheaux:Right. As
Lloyd:it were 2000 years ago when it was written. Right. Right. Right. It shouldn't change.
Lloyd:No. But yet it seemed like, you know, a lot of modern day preachers, they seem to twist scripture to fit today's To society. Yeah. Today's society and, you know, it should be no different today as it were then.
Anthony Hayes:Well, I like one part that he mentioned if I ever heard it right. He said it is a bloody religion. Christianity is a really bloody religion.
Anthony Hayes:And and most Christians don't they and I like how he said it too in his thing. He said it's not purty. You know, when the lamb was killed, something innocent like he was talking about the Garvin, how that God had to kill a lamb to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness, you know, because they will cover themselves with leaves. That's a symbol of good works, self righteousness. And I like how he said that.
Anthony Hayes:He's right. And so it's bloody. It's very bloody. I mean, Jesus died. It cost him his life and his blood it cost him a lot of blood.
Anthony Hayes:And then you think about all the apostles, most of them died except for John. But the rest of them that we know of were all killed, tortured. Peter, they believe, was hanged upside down. Apostle Paul was beheaded. I mean, there's so many.
Anthony Hayes:And then after that, when Nero, Christians joined the Roman Empire and the Inquisition, millions died for their belief and still are today from around the world, maybe worse now than ever, but it's a bloody religion, and I'm afraid it would always will be that, you know?
Lloyd:Yeah. So many people, I believe, they they look at the cross. Mhmm. I remember hearing this a while back. You know?
Lloyd:We we see a cross everywhere else.
Anthony Hayes:Right. Right.
Lloyd:And, and it's supposed to be, like, from, like, an atheist or something where he said, why you're dealing with that? You know that's a that's a torture device.
Anthony Hayes:Right.
Lloyd:And and and really, it was. It was.
Anthony Hayes:Yeah. It it yeah. It was.
Lloyd:And, there was nothing beautiful about it. No. You know, in in church, we, you know, we have it all over the place, but, you know, I say it's nothing beautiful about it, but it represent what happened and Right. Just how gory and disturbing of an image that it was. Right.
Lloyd:Because we we we we take it so simply, you know, oh, Jesus died for my sins. You know, well, my sins ain't that bad. Mhmm. Because we can't picture Calvary being this, like I said, this bloody religion. Right.
Lloyd:Right. You know, we can't picture Calvary like that, so we we think our sin is so little. Right. Right. And then I know your dad had been the kind of mission a lot more lately.
Mike Robicheaux:But
Lloyd:when you start to try to describe
Mike Robicheaux:Mhmm.
Lloyd:What Calvary woulda looked like, what Craig woulda looked like
Mike Robicheaux:Right.
Lloyd:You know, being beat with the cat whip. Yeah. And everything. Mhmm. It's like it's so gruesome.
Lloyd:Mhmm. So if that is the case, then why is my sin so bad? You know? If he had to go that far with it, take that type of beating, then my sin must be that bad.
Anthony Hayes:Well, you think about it. The cross was like it was it it was made by the Greeks and Romans to, like, torture. It was like a prisoner type thing. It was like if you rebelled against Rome, you know, that was your penalty most a lot of times. You will, you know and mostly if you fought like an army against Rome or you try to overthrow Roman rule, that was like they put you up in that cross, like, to show you may you will made an example out of.
Anthony Hayes:And so no. It was not a pretty thing. No.
Lloyd:No. It was made to, what what am I looking for? It was made to humiliate you. Exactly. Exactly.
Lloyd:Be an embarrassment, you know, to the point of death because it it would take a few days for you to die.
Anthony Hayes:It was a slow doors a torture death thing. Yeah.
Lloyd:Yeah. There there were no coming off of it. You know? There were no coming off of that cross until you were dead. And even that, it probably you probably still stayed up there for a few days longer.
Anthony Hayes:You know? Exactly. So it's not beautiful. You say not like like The Passion of the Christ. I think that's why when that movie came out, that's why I think it did so well, even I don't agree with all the theology in it.
Anthony Hayes:I think why the reason why it did so well, because people never pictured Jesus being beat like that before. Or like you said, they they saw, like, a beautiful cross with nice flowers, always beautiful and and sweet.
Mike Robicheaux:But Every
Lloyd:time of the picture that you you see of Jesus dying Yeah. Or even, like, the in Catholicism, how to have Mary holding
Anthony Hayes:Jesus. Yes. And,
Lloyd:All you see is a pierced side.
Anthony Hayes:You don't see the blood.
Mike Robicheaux:With a
Lloyd:little with a little blood, and that's all you see.
Anthony Hayes:In most movies. Yeah.
Lloyd:You don't see the crown of thorns that would force on his head. Mhmm. I mean, especially around the forehead and everything. I mean, blood dashes out from there.
Anthony Hayes:Yeah. That storm.
Lloyd:Because his beard would would pull up, would pull in and not just pull, but yank off of his face. Right.
Anthony Hayes:Right.
Lloyd:You know? And then, yeah, beat with the cat whip and everything is
Anthony Hayes:Yeah. That's why
Lloyd:that's why
Anthony Hayes:it opened people's eyes. They're like, wow. We never saw it like that before. Like you say, they always pictured in in art and movies and and art in general. They portray, like, a few little whips here.
Anthony Hayes:Like like Jesus was hard and never beat, you know, and they did it like they did it like that to really show people how he really suffered. So when you take it to a whole different view, yeah, it shows you like, wow, Christ really, really suffered, you know, and people don't see like that of the cross, you know? The sea does a pretty side of it.