Smiting The Rock| Pastor Mike Robicheaux

Mike Robicheaux:

Take the rod, gather down the assembly together. Thou and Aaron, I brothers, speak into the rock before their eyes and it shall give forth water. Thou shall bring forth unto them water out of the rock. The rock was already smitten. Who's that rock?

Mike Robicheaux:

The rock was mine. You'll never be smitten again. Everything points back to Christ. There was no doubt in who Jesus was. Either by the blood of those and bold, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

Mike Robicheaux:

And scorched him. And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe. They said, hail king of the Jews. And they smote him with their hands. A little further down, in verse 16, then he then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified.

Mike Robicheaux:

They took Jesus and let him away. Yep. And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of the skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha. Golgotha. Where they crucified him and 2 others with him on one side and Jesus in the midst.

Mike Robicheaux:

And Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. The writing was Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews. A little further down, verse 28. And after this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said I thirst. And they will set a vessel full of vinegar, and they fill the sponge with vinegar and put upon hyssop and put it to his mouth.

Mike Robicheaux:

When Jesus therefore received the vinegar, he said, it is finished. And he bowed his head Wow. And gave up the gold. Father in heaven, we have come this morning, dear god, to reflect upon the most the most important event that ever took place in human history since the creation of the world. That was the death of your only son in order to bring us back into you.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hallelujah. Lord god, all our days that we walked without you, we didn't realize, lord, the danger that we were in. In. Dear god, the utter destruction, the judgment that was on our head thought because of sin. But because you so loved us, you prepared, lord god, a sacrifice for yourself.

Mike Robicheaux:

And here we read in your word, dear God, the account of the bible. How the son of God gave up his life, allowed wicked men to kill him Hallelujah. In our place. Yes, ma'am. Verse 34, and one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forward came there out blood and water.

Mike Robicheaux:

And he that saw it bear record, and his record is true. For he knoweth that he say it is true that you might believe. For all this was done that the scripture should be fulfilled. A bone of him shall not be broken. And again, another scripture said, they shall look on him whom they have pierced.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. Now I want you to go back to the old testament, in the book of Exodus the book of Exodus, 17th chapter. We've used these phrase a lot lately, but, Lord just impressed upon me to go over this with y'all. Again, the account with children of Israel after having fled from Egypt, god, you know, brought their mighty deliverance by great judgments upon nation of Israel. Now they've crossed the Red Sea, and now they're getting ready to take off towards the promised land.

Mike Robicheaux:

And, like a lot of things can happen, you know, problem appeared, but this problem was was, was God inspired. The Lord was leading them and brought them out into a wilderness, and they found in this wilderness like you'd find in most wilderness, you know, for having anywhere from 3 to 6000000 people and all their cattle, there was no water to drink. Now that that is quite a problem. Hello? Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

Come on. Now we looked last week with how the children of Israel, you know, how they they complained because they were hungry. They said they got tired of eating this manna. They wanted some meat and, you know, we looked last week how Moses was there, said God, what do we have to do? Kill all the cattle we got in order to give them one meal?

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, no. No. Don't worry about that. He said, I'm not gonna give them a day's worth or 2 days or 7 days or a week or 3 weeks. I'm gonna let them eat meat for 30 day, a month.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, ain't no way. Now Moses, the man of god said There ain't no way. No way. Yeah. No.

Mike Robicheaux:

He's not. But the Lord said, is the Lord's arm shortened? We've seen the miracle of God make a provision. Now here's another one right now with with water. Listen carefully because they tie into the verses which we read prior.

Mike Robicheaux:

Starting in verse 2, wherefore, the people did chide with Moses and said, give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, why chide you with me? Wherefore, do you tempt the Lord? Now listen. You gotta admit, they're out there in the dry place and there was no water, and they were thirsty.

Mike Robicheaux:

They had a reason to complain. They had a legitimate need. But you see it's the thing in our life is how to have legitimate needs met in our lives. Does it pay to murmur, to complain, and doubt God? You see, Moses said all of this time what they were doing, they were tempting God, they put God to the test.

Mike Robicheaux:

But listen to what what happened. And the people thirsted for water and the people murmured against Moses and said, wherefore is this that thou has bought us up out of Egypt to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst? And Moses cried unto the Lord saying, what shall I do to these people? They almost be ready to stone me. He was fearing for his life.

Mike Robicheaux:

You mean, he's we watched him. Every day, the people picking up rocks, they would say that they were getting so mad because they everybody around there was thirsty. They were gonna kill him. Mhmm. Come over.

Mike Robicheaux:

Well, the Lord always has a solution ahead of time. Amen. You know, God's never taken that surprise. The Lord knew what he was doing. He was the one that would lead them with a, you know, the pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

Mike Robicheaux:

He told them where to stop, but he he knew exactly where he was going. You can't fool God. Yeah. It was nothing that took that by surprise. He knew exactly what they would do.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. But God had to bring him to many spiritual truths, which we as Christians have to look back to to understand sometime. We have hindsight. Don't don't blame them too much because with all this with all the the the revelation we've received from God Mhmm. We still merman complain.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's right. But you have to learn some of these great spiritual truths. And the Lord said unto Moses, go on before the people and take with you the elders of Israel and thy rod.

Mike Robicheaux:

Oh, Israel. Uh-huh.

Mike Robicheaux:

This is the old rod. I mean, when they had a play one time. Yeah. Yeah. Who was Moses?

Mike Robicheaux:

Gene. Gene, I got your rod still. Kept that all them years. Yep. Take that rod.

Mike Robicheaux:

That, Rob, let me tell you, I don't all there was was a walking stick that Moses one time, you know, looking for God's will in his life. 40 years, he was in the desert feeding his father in law's sheep. Back to woods of the desert. Yep. And then finally, he's seen a sight that so amazed him, a bush that was burning.

Mike Robicheaux:

And when he met god, said god said to him, he said, well, you see this rod you got? Throw it on the ground. He threw it on the ground. It became a serpent. Just, woah.

Mike Robicheaux:

Moses started to run from him. He said, well, take it by the tail. It turned back into a rod. What Yep. I wonder what the thing's made of, but, man, this is about to give, I think.

Mike Robicheaux:

But, I mean, when he brought it to Egypt, god said, use this this piece of stick and not this one. He says, stretch it over the river Nile Yeah. Turn to blood. Right. Stretch it to heaven.

Mike Robicheaux:

Let me tell you. To fly another time to life. Stretch to the heaven that was hate mighty. I mean, he used it. And finally, he got to the Red Sea, stretched that rod over the sea, and then pulled back Right.

Mike Robicheaux:

Till they walked over on dry ground. Right. This time, different kind of miracle. Yeah. Take thy rod where's thou smallest the river into thine hand and go.

Mike Robicheaux:

Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb, and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it. Yep. And the people may drink, and Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. Man, can you imagine? The picture is beautiful, not pretty, but there was the Lord said, go out there for all the people.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yep. The people couldn't see the Lord, but Moses could. And there he was standing, and God told him to take this rod. And he smoked God. He literally struck God symbolizing that he would die.

Mike Robicheaux:

And because he smoked that rock, 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4, Christ was that rock that followed them in the wilderness. Because of the smiling of that rock, the Bible says, Water flowed from it. There shall come out water out of it that the people may drink, and Moses did so in the sight of the elders. What a spiritual typology, but it was reality. Yeah.

Mike Robicheaux:

There was the Lord standing. I mean, he appeared to them just as much as he did to, you know, they they sat with him at sometimes and ate with him. God says he spoke to Moses faith face to face apparently. I mean, it wasn't. Moses spoke to him as a friend.

Mike Robicheaux:

But now here, he had to take up this rod and hit him, smite him. And because of this smiting, water poured forth. Now we understand the lessons, and we're gonna go a little bit further. I need you to go now to the book of numbers. The book of numbers.

Mike Robicheaux:

Think it's chapter 20, but let me double check. Yes. Numbers chapter 20. The event now that takes place is nearly 40 years later. The reason why 40 years later is because the children of Israel, when god bought them in less than a year's time, right into the borders of the Jordan River, when they were instructed to go in, when they heard the report of the 10 spies that it's just what god said, but we don't think we're able.

Mike Robicheaux:

Let's go back to Egypt. It so angered god of their disbelief after having seen God do all the miracles he did for them. He turned them out to the desert for 40 years. He said everyone from 20 years old and and upward is gonna die in this wilderness and not go into that promised land. Come on, brother.

Mike Robicheaux:

There was 4 people that should've went after that. That was Moses and Aaron, Caleb and Joshua. No. Do you know how many it ended up with by time this crossover time the crossover went? There's only Caleb and Joshua.

Mike Robicheaux:

40 years later, they found themselves in the same predicament, the same situation. Here they were in the wilderness. And again, you read in verse 2 of chapter 20, and there was no water for the congregation, and they gathered themselves together against Moses against Aaron. And the people chilled with Moses saying, would God that we had died when our brethren died before the Lord. Now, again, Moses learned a lot in this time.

Mike Robicheaux:

It says in verse 6, and Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell on their face and the glory of the Lord appeared to them. And the Lord speaking to them saying, again, what did you tell him to do? Take the rod. Take the rod. Gather down the assembly together.

Mike Robicheaux:

Thou and Aaron, I brother, and speak into the rock before their eyes and it shall give forth water and thou shall bring forth unto them water out of the rock. So thou shall give the congregation and their beast drink. And Moses took the rod from the Lord as he would commanded him. And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, here now you rebels. Must we fetch you water from this rock from out of this rock?

Mike Robicheaux:

And Moses lifted up his hand and with his rod, he smoked the rock twice. The water came out abundantly and the congregation drank and their beast. Now it seemed like Moses was trying to do something again, but it was totally out of God's will. A lesson that we have to learn today in following the lord. Number 1, 40 years later, don't ask me how, when, why.

Mike Robicheaux:

But the rock for a long time gave water to the nation of Israel. It says the whole time during the wilderness, that rock followed them and provided them their waters. But it seemed like the rocks stopped flowing. Why?

Mike Robicheaux:

Come over there, Mike.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hello? Come on. It wasn't flowing any longer. It was the same rock. But this time, to get it flowing again, what did what did they do?

Mike Robicheaux:

Well, evidently, what get them started is that they realized that they ran out of water. And when you run out of water, you normally get Thirsty. Thirsty. And when you get thirsty, you go automatically, you're gonna start looking for water. And there's nothing like that, boy, especially when it's getting hot right now and you're working outside, man, you're sweating the beans and, boy, a good cold glass of water.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's so much good. Why? Because your body has to have water to replenish itself or you're gonna die. Yes, sir. Now there's a far far greater need in water as much as water is needed.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's a spiritual water you need.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes, sir.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's why Jesus said, I am water of life if any man thirst. Come let him drink a bee.

Mike Robicheaux:

Come on, brother Mike.

Mike Robicheaux:

You see, there's a need that's there, people. So we find the church in the condition that we don't wanna see it. But until the thirst the church gets thirsty, there could be no outpouring. I mean, as long as they walked, I mean, they could have tried for a long time and say, well, you know, we know god always before. They'd give us the underwater that we needed.

Mike Robicheaux:

We know it's not flowing right now. That's all in god's hands, I guess, what he's gonna do. But no. Until it becomes the cry coming up into the ears of god, nothing's gonna happen. Hello?

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes, sir. 1st. I don't know about you. You're getting pretty dry. Getting thirsty.

Mike Robicheaux:

Come on, brother. Yeah. God told him what to do now. What the greatest important, I guess, lessons we could learn, people, is the rock was still there, but somehow that rock wasn't given us water. The water was in it.

Mike Robicheaux:

How do you draw it out of there for what you need? What did God tell Moses? Go and speak into this rock. Never told him to hit it. But Moses so irreverenced god that he stood before all the people.

Mike Robicheaux:

He never set to say a word to the people. He was supposed to talk to the rock. He never said a word to the rock, but he talked to the people. Should we draw should we get one of this rock for you rebels? God never told him to say that.

Mike Robicheaux:

No, sir. So just speak to the rock. He spoke rather to the people and said, we instead of instead of saying, well, God is gonna give what you need. Said, no. We're gonna.

Mike Robicheaux:

No. No. They're not.

Mike Robicheaux:

Right. Come on, brother.

Mike Robicheaux:

A mighty man of god like Moses and Aaron was. They were the true intercepting. They were the the mainstay between them and God. They were the ones who when things went wrong, they went before God and they intercede and God, you know, used them to speak into them. But all of a sudden now, for some reason, I guess Moses was getting, you know, tired of all the complainings and murmuring, and he just thought back, how did it happen before?

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. God told me to smoke the rock. So I guess if I smoke that rock once, twice would be twice as good. What a penalty that they paid. Yep.

Mike Robicheaux:

They smoked the rock, and God commanded them to speak only to it. And listen to what happened. The 12th verse said the Lord speaking to Moses and Aaron because you believe me not. Now wait. This is Moses and Aaron, the men of God, the one who walked with God, the ones who speak to God face to face because you believe me not to sanctify me in the eyes of children of Israel.

Mike Robicheaux:

Therefore, you shall not bring this congregation the land which I have given them. And this is the water of Meribah because the children of Israel stroll with the lord, and he was sanctified in them. Now I know you all know how the story goes on. We are gonna go into the book of Deuteronomy, the 3rd chapter. You're gonna read how Moses begin asking God that he was come to the end of his life, and he knew it.

Mike Robicheaux:

They knew that he was getting ready to cross over to the promised land, and he begged. God said, god, let me see this land. Let me go into this land. And god said Nope. No.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, I don't wanna hear of this no more. Don't mention it again. I'll let you see it, but you're not going in. It was that that that that grievous a call. I didn't say Moses didn't perish.

Mike Robicheaux:

Moses is in heaven. Amen? You know? Yes, sir. When the two witnesses appeared with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration, it was Moses and Elijah.

Mike Robicheaux:

Right? Right. I mean, he made it. He walked to his funeral. He went up to the Mount Horeb, and there he saw everything, and it says, god you know, he died there, and god buried him.

Mike Robicheaux:

Nobody knows where it is. Be like many things. They done made him, you know, they they made an idol out of him. No one knows where he was at. Wow.

Mike Robicheaux:

But the lesson we have to learn, that rock was already smitten. Who's that rock? Jesus. The rock was mine. You'll never be smitten again.

Mike Robicheaux:

We we we use this in New Testament, Hebrews chapter 6, which I want you to turn there for a minute. In Hebrews chapter 6, In Hebrews chapter 6, Teach us a great lesson again. As Christians, you've been born again. Thank God if you follow the Lord. Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

But you know, like, you heard me say many times before when I got saved, there's a lot of things I didn't know what the Bible said. Didn't know about Christian experiences. I didn't know that, you know, how much you can go close to God. You can't all you want. The door's wide open.

Mike Robicheaux:

I didn't know what the other side of it. I didn't know any such words as backsliding, apostate, you know, people failing. I didn't I didn't know anything about it. It was all new to me. All I knew is that I was lost and now I'm saved.

Mike Robicheaux:

I once was blind, but now I see. I once was the thirst. But now, I mean, my my soul is quenched. I didn't understand that. But, you know, as you grew up in the Lord, even back then in those days, Paul was writing to Hebrew Christian who for some reason or another were giving up.

Mike Robicheaux:

We're going back whether under the old system of Judaism. I don't know what kind of dry spell they ran into. We all run into them at times. Amen. But it was given a warning and it says like in verse 4 of chapter 6 of Hebrews, for it is impossible for those that were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift, made partaken of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted of the good word of god and the power of the world to come.

Mike Robicheaux:

If they shall fall away to renew themselves again into repent seeing they crucified to themselves the son of god afresh and put him to an open shame. From those verses right there, we understand something would kinda happen with Moses. When Jesus was taken to trial before Pilate, there was Pilate, a professional judge. That's why he was governor of that of that providence in in Jerusalem. He knew pretty much like most people hold trials all the time.

Mike Robicheaux:

A man's guilty, a man's innocent. He knows when a man's, you know, guilty. He's a trial he can to try to talk his way out of it and do everything he can to to prove his innocence, see, but Jesus didn't could hardly say a word, said very few words. The Bible plainly tells us when you read the the account that that Pilate knew that they delivered him up with jealousy, that the religious leaders were jealous of Jesus because the following that he had. Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

He knew looking at Jesus, questioning Jesus, he was an innocent man. 3 times he said, I find no fault in him. But the religious crowd, demon inspired, called for his blood. They said crucify him. But even though, you know, many of those people who are in that crowd that were saying crucify him, I'm sure as the gospel progressed and, you know, the day of Pentecost came and the and the and the, you know, the gospel was being preached and you read the testimony in the book of Acts that even how many of the priesthood, you know, believed on the lord Jesus, you know, many would turn to him.

Mike Robicheaux:

I'm sure a lot of them that were crying crucified came and they repented. Say, lord, I am sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. Paul himself was probably one of them that was there. Because Paul said the things I did, I did in ignorance.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hallelujah. See, I'm the chief of sinners. I fought against this church. But when the Lord opened his eyes, he realized his guilt and he repented. God used him mightily.

Mike Robicheaux:

Next thing is we have to look at people. Yes, sir. He understood more than any other man what was taking place in the Old Testament typology, How the lord allowed his son to be smitten and smitten only once. Yes, sir. He wrote then to Christians.

Mike Robicheaux:

I don't know what happened in their life. I don't know what event. Someone doing something wrong. Did they did did they seem like sometime there was delay in their prayers? Did they see through that time there were many wars going on?

Mike Robicheaux:

Many of the countrymen being killed. I don't know what took place, but all I know is just Paul is telling that if they backslide let's say, Christians sometimes backslide. Amen. It's not God's will. God wishes you it never would happen, but it does happen among, backsliders.

Mike Robicheaux:

But one thing about backsliders, they didn't backslide because they lost their faith in God because whatever it is the sin overcame them, and they went back to the old lifestyle. But they knew in order to get back with right with God, they had to come back to Christ. Amen. They knew they'd have to repent, and God promised that. He would heal the backslider.

Mike Robicheaux:

So it's not an impossible case if someone went away from God. It's this one called the apostate Amen. Who said, well, I don't believe that no longer. I don't think that Jesus is the only way. I think there could be other ways and, you know, you know, they just plainly give up on what God plainly revealed unto them.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. He's talking about those now that for some reason or another, it's impossible for them to come back. Because why? They were once enlightened. Yes, sir.

Mike Robicheaux:

Verse 4. They've tasted of the heavenly gift. Yes. They were made partakers of the holy ghost. They tasted of the good word of god and the powers of the world to come.

Mike Robicheaux:

She gets to a place where it says that, like this. Well, I'm a move that in a little while. But understand this, why did he say it's such a dangerous sin? Because he said seeing that they crucified to themselves the son of god afresh and put it in open chain. That is like someone that was there the day of, when Jesus was on trial and and there he was.

Mike Robicheaux:

He was on the the the Lord's side, like the disciples that followed the weight off and said, man, they don't know what they're doing. Even Jesus said, father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. But after a while, because of life circumstances, after seeing Jesus died, it's like going back in the crowd and say, yeah. Kill him.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. Crucify him. It can't be done. Christ will never be crucified twice. Great spiritual lessons, people.

Mike Robicheaux:

I need you to go in the book of Hebrews here and there now and into the 9th chapter. The 9th chapter. The 9th chapter. Starting in verse 12, I'll be bouncing, so follow me. Knight chapter 12 verse.

Mike Robicheaux:

Neither by the blood of goats and bulls, but by his own blood, he entered in Once. Once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Verse 25, know yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest entered to the holy place every year with the blood of others, but then must he often have suffices the foundation of the world. But now, once in the end of the world have he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And as they're appointed to man, wants to die after this, the judgment.

Mike Robicheaux:

So Christ was I'll offer once. Once. Notice the word that we're after this once. Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and to them that look for him shall he appear the 2nd time without sin into salvation. And in chapter 10.

Mike Robicheaux:

Come on, Jesus. Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

I'm reading a small verse, verse 5. Wherefore when he come into the world, he said sacrifice and offerings thou wouldest not but a body that has prepared me. Verse 10, by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Once. Once for all. Hallelujah.

Mike Robicheaux:

And every priest standing daily ministry can offer and oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sin. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God, from hence expecting till his enemy be made its footstool. For by one offering, he has perfected forever them that are sanctified. Verse 17, their sins and I their iniquities, I remember no more. Now, where the remission of these is, there's no more offering for sin.

Mike Robicheaux:

K. Let's go in Romans chapter 10. Take you through the bible. One day, peep you probably won't need to use your bible. That's when you get to heaven.

Mike Robicheaux:

Amen. Amen? But as long as we're down here, we'll take the safe course, the course of going through the word of God. Now listen, why are we saying all these things people? Because we see that in the wilderness that God provided the children of Israel, I mean, to millions of people plus our dead cattle, an impossible occurrence.

Mike Robicheaux:

Of all the things we would say, well, maybe god would drill or have a hole open up in the earth, and their water would spring about the earth and give them all the water they want. Maybe he'd carve a you know, cause a, you know, the the the snow caps to melt, and they would create a river and they give them water to drink. But he used the most impossible situation you could, making water come out of a Uh-huh. It wasn't one on the ground. Evidently, there's one that was standing upright.

Mike Robicheaux:

If there's any miracle, I would say, we call skepticism, that would be one of them. Yeah. Water out of a rock. Yep. Rocks are not known to give water.

Mike Robicheaux:

Rocks give forth nothing. But yet, god performed a miracle because the symbolism that he was smoked, you know, the the the the the the the wound that was on that rock, that's where the water poured out. And God was so angry when so displeased with Moses and Aaron when they smote it again and then smote it twice. That should never happen again. There's a lesson of us getting saved.

Mike Robicheaux:

Now, we know how the gospel is presented. It's the is is told, you know, go into all the world and preach the gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believe it not shall be damned. There's a lesson we have to learn in hearing the gospel. God is never gonna have another time where Jesus will come back into this world and there he's going to present himself before all the world as a great miracle worker, professing or proving that he was the son of God.

Mike Robicheaux:

Every time he spoke something, he demonstrated with the miracles that God demonstrated through him, his father, and then there was no doubt. Jesus said if you don't believe my words, believe the very works that I do. Amen. There was no doubt in who Jesus was, but he's not gonna come back again before all the world and they're allowing men to crucify him. It's never gonna happen again.

Mike Robicheaux:

Serve again. It's a finished a finished work Yes, sir. That'll never be repeated. But it's a work that'll never end. Yeah.

Mike Robicheaux:

That because of that life giving, source, because of Jesus that was smoked, his side was open, and out came blood and water. There he give life into the world. So that when the gospel is preached, as far as I know everyone of you got saved didn't say, well, Lord, I wanna see that if it was true. I wanna see the crucifixion. I wanna see if Jesus really died for my sin.

Mike Robicheaux:

I don't think any of y'all ever said that. No. Hello? Yep. Know why.

Mike Robicheaux:

Verse 4, I'm a start with it says for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Now, god demands of everyone who wants to be saved one major well, it's it's 2 parts to it, but one major part is the belief without ever having to see. For Moses described the righteousness which is of the law that the man who doeth these things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise. Say not in thine heart, who shall ascend up into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above?

Mike Robicheaux:

None of y'all said that when you guys say, well, if you could take me to heaven, if I could see Christ, see the nail prints in his hand, his side. You know, if I could see that, then I'm gonna believe what you what the preachers are saying. No. He said, how about this? Or who shall descend into the deep?

Mike Robicheaux:

That is to bring up Christ again from the dead. And none of us wanna go check the tomb. I mean, the reports already been given. The tomb is Empty. Empty, just as he said.

Mike Robicheaux:

But what sayeth it? The word is nigh in the evening in thy mouth and thy heart. That is the word of faith which we preach. And if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus shall believe in thine heart that god raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth in the righteousness, and with the mouth confesses man to salvation.

Mike Robicheaux:

For the scripture said, whosoever believeth in him should not be ashamed. But we said it talks about believe that god raped the dead has to imply that Christ died in your place. As we read through all these things, the rock was smitten and out of it came forth water. Jesus said in John chapter 7, which you were reading this past week, he cried at the last day of the feast and said, if any man thirst, let him come unto me and out of his innermost being out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters. But this spake he of this the Holy Ghost, which they that believed on him might receive, for he was not yet glorified.

Mike Robicheaux:

What should be coming out of our innermost beings but living water? Where does the living water come from? Alright. Now do you ever get thirsty since you've been a Christian? Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

Have you ever had needs that come up and didn't know how to accomplish it? How to how to lay hold to it? We understand this simply because the devil uses that that that that, you know, that we go through trials. We we we face temptations. We we we we get the devil coming always, you know, and he tells us, you know, when you're not saved, you know, you failed too much.

Mike Robicheaux:

You you know, the reason why you you God's not hearing you is this and that and one one word after another, but the Bible tells us we have to maintain a faith in the lord Jesus Christ. And what he did you know, Paul said, I know nothing but just Christ and the 2. He can't separate the 2. We understand that Jesus Christ is the son of God, came from heaven incarnate in flesh, became, you know, a child, grew into manhood. God greatly, you know, anointed him and he manifested his glory, but also it says that he laid down his life as a sacrifice for our sins, and there that one sacrifice I read to you in Romans, Hebrews chapter 10.

Mike Robicheaux:

By that one sacrifice, he's forever sanctified them and believed that he went back into heaven. There he sits on the right hand of God the father. There in his hand maintains the scars in his sides to as the spirit thrust. That that we have to appropriate, you know, the benefits of what he suffered by by only one way. It's the way that the bible calls the way of faith.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hallelujah. When God told Moses the second time, only Speak. Speak. Meaning when you speak, just stand back and believe that what god promised is gonna happen because the atonement had been made. Well, people, we have to look at something in our lives, people.

Mike Robicheaux:

After Jesus died, you could read in Romans, I mean, in the gospel of John chapter 20, but I don't think y'all y'all been through it already. 8 days, you know, Jesus appeared that same day that he rose from the dead to the disciple. Yeah. One was missing Thomas. I always came to know as Thomas a doubter, but I know a lot of doubters.

Mike Robicheaux:

They might have happened. 8 days later, you know, he appeared because Thomas said, I ain't gonna believe unless I could put my hand in this. Yeah. You see that he put my fingers in the nail holes in his his palm and thrust my hand to his side. I ain't gonna believe.

Mike Robicheaux:

8 days later as they're all behind locked doors, the Lord appeared again. He said, Thomas, to come, put your fingers in these nail prints, stick your hand in my side, be not unbelievable, but be believing. What? He didn't have to touch. He see.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, my lord and my god, and he worshiped him. But it's what Jesus said that has to interest all of us people. Jesus said that because you, you know, you know, Thomas, because you've seen, you believe. But blessed are those who have not seen And yet believed. And yet believed.

Mike Robicheaux:

Alright. Yet believed. Right. I don't know if that generation was there when Moses smoked the Lord on that rock that day. It was 40 years later.

Mike Robicheaux:

Very doubtful. Next generation raised up heard the same gospel story, how 40 years earlier, god, you know, Moses smoked that rock. I don't know if they could see the lord or not, but he smoked that rock and out came water. But this time, the lord said, no longer. It's not gonna happen again.

Mike Robicheaux:

Moses speak and they're gonna see what's gonna happen. Okay. Now, people here we are today, whatever you need is in life, whatever it is that the the whether it's spiritual, whether it's physical, whether it's financial, whatever the need is, you know, the lord's not gonna be crucified again Amen. For none of us. It's been done.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's a finished work. It's an accomplished work. It's a work that is once done forever sealed. He's sitting in heaven on the right hand of the father. How do we how do we receive the benefits of Christ's suffering?

Mike Robicheaux:

How do we get the water of life? How do we we get the, all that it was promised to us in this word? Same way what he said. You're gonna have to see Mark 11th chapter. Mark 11th chapter.

Mike Robicheaux:

The disciples here in this instance questioned Jesus about a miracle had taken place. A fig tree the day before Jesus passed by to get something to eat, so there's nothing on it, cursed it, and typify, you know, it was a spiritual. Anyhow, they realized the next day when they passed by it, that same tree was withered from the roots up. Quickly, it happened. And Jesus told them this great principle.

Mike Robicheaux:

Verse 22, Jesus answering said unto them, have faith in God. For verily I say unto you that whatsoever that whosoever shall say unto this mountain. What is normally mountains made out of? Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea. Should not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he say should come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he say it.

Mike Robicheaux:

There's the principle. Here's the fact of it, which you have to put into practice. Therefore, I say unto you, what things so ever you desire when you pray? Believe. Believe that you receive them and you Shall I have them?

Mike Robicheaux:

K. As a principle, none of this our relationship with God is not dependent upon our goodness. By the amount of religious works we can do, not an amount of money that we give. Our salvation is based upon one thing, the rock that was smitten 2000 years ago. And because of that, the Bible says it's through his blood, we have access into God.

Mike Robicheaux:

Because of this, the Bible says, because Jesus Christ became one of us, he was tempted in all points just as we were tempted. Therefore, we can come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Everything points back to Christ, and that's the only reason why God hears us. In fact, you can read in Luke 11 chapter where Jesus was telling us that, you know, God is is a heavenly father That if you ask the, bread, he's not gonna give you a serpent. If you ask for an egg, he's not gonna give you, you know, a scorpion.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, but, you know, which of you, you know, having your a child would would he said, your heavenly father's not so? Shall not rather you know, your heavenly father give good things to them that ask him? Amen. There comes the first thing, that relationship. Everybody in the world, no matter what religion they are, all claim to have God as their father.

Mike Robicheaux:

But what is the basis of it? If your basis of salvation is not based upon what Christ Jesus did for us on Calvary's cross to bring us back into the father, not only we have no basis for salvation, we have no basis answered prayers or whether for our needs or situations in life. So therefore, he said this now because of you belief in what God has provided in his son Jesus. Therefore, I say unto you what things so ever you desire when you pray, believe what? You see, I was always sorry.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's just believing that God hears me. But, yes, God hears me. But there's only reason why he hears me. It's because of his son, Jesus Christ. If I look at myself, well, God's hooking me.

Mike Robicheaux:

I deserve it. I understand if I live the best life I could and now, listen. Uh-huh. I did ultimate sacrifices. It still wouldn't get me one favor from God.

Mike Robicheaux:

The bible says all the righteous deeds of men are filthy rags in his sight. I mean, that eliminates any way that I can say, well, God, you owe this to me. He owes no man anything. I'm careful every time we pray to say this, Lord, I know I'm not worthy and deserving of anything from you. It's only because of your son, Jesus, and the price that he paid that I can.

Mike Robicheaux:

And so we go on a little bit more in Matthew the 7th chapter, and I'm not gonna keep you much longer. In Matthew 7th chapter. Verse 7, ask. It shall be given you. Seek and you shall find.

Mike Robicheaux:

Knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that ask it, receive it. Him that seek it, knock it. To him, to him that seek it, find it. To him that knock it, it shall be opened.

Mike Robicheaux:

The 20th 1st chapter. 21st chapter of Matthew. And verse 22. And, all things whatsoever shall ask in prayer believe in. You shall receive.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hallelujah. Hence, hence, people that one word you have to hinge on. That word, believe in. In the world which we live in is called humanistic faith. You have to have faith in yourself.

Mike Robicheaux:

You have to have faith in your ability. You have to have a positive attitude. You have to realize that, you know, if you persist long enough, work hard enough, you can achieve anything you want to in this world. That's humanism. It's not Christianity.

Mike Robicheaux:

Right. Christianity teaches us that a man must realize his other uselessness. Yeah. That without him, he can do nothing. His life is dependent upon Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

How does a man touch Christ? No other way but belief in him. What kind of belief is that? It's just a head knowledge? No.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's when it realizes the facts of the gospel that God sent his only son to the world. He was eternal. He was there before the foundation of the world. He wasn't Michael the archangel. He was a second person of the godhead.

Mike Robicheaux:

He was as much god as god, as god the father is. But he took upon human flesh and prepared for him a body, and that body suffered untold agony like no one ever did. But all of it was in response to man's salvation to payment what it took. We read throughout all the old testament, the animals that were sacrificed, the blood that flowed, all these typifying the coming son of god who would lay down his life and his blood would flow on Calvary's cross. And then we now, 2000 years later, that same rock that gave forward that water, Christ is still giving water.

Mike Robicheaux:

This book only testifies the fact that happened 2000 years ago. Throughout eternity, the major fact in heaven is this. You're gonna see a lamb as though it was slain. Amen. Whenever you see Christ, when you get to heaven, the one thing you're gonna recognize about him.

Mike Robicheaux:

Amen. Still gonna have them say it, friend. We've always understood, you know, if you're sick here on this earth, you know, and you you know, if you're dying of cancer or you you've got tore up in a in a wreck or eaten by shore. I don't know. When you get to heaven, you're gonna be whole, evidently.

Mike Robicheaux:

Right. We all said, I believe it's true. God don't heal you here. He'll heal you there. You'll be whole one day except for 1 person in heaven called Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

He's gonna bear the scars. We're gonna look at the wonders of heaven, and we're gonna wonder how we ever got here. And when we would look at that, we're gonna realize why. It's because of Love. Christ's blood that we shed.

Mike Robicheaux:

Alright. Thank you, Lord.

Mike Robicheaux:

You believe that you're going to heaven because of that? Amen. This is the only way That's the only way to go to heaven. It is. What if I should tell you I found another way?

Mike Robicheaux:

Oh, you're a liar. That's right, bro. Just trying you out. Right. Only one way.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's not listen. There's 2 points that you believe in. Jesus Christ And his death. And his death. That's right.

Mike Robicheaux:

You can't go around them 2 facts. If he wouldn't have died if he'd have came into this world and before he died ascended up to heaven, wouldn't have done us any good. He'd still be alive in heaven, but we couldn't be saved. Forgiveness is not conferred upon us because we ask. Oh.

Mike Robicheaux:

Because forgiveness is conferred upon us because a price was paid. That's right. An atonement was made. So today, people, I remember when I first got saved, one of the most astonishing fact. I mean, I I I guess every time I'd go to church, you know, being a new Christian, you didn't know didn't know god at all, just new religion.

Mike Robicheaux:

You know, the fact I didn't realize, man, the things that that took place. Not only when man, I I thought that was enough. When I got saved, man, my name wrote in the land book of life, and I'm headed to glory. I mean, I got eternal life. But, man, I didn't realize, like I said in Psalm 107, you know, that, who forgiveth all my iniquities, who healeth all my diseases, who gives me all these benefits.

Mike Robicheaux:

Benefits. Amen. I didn't realize that not only was I born again, name wrote in the land book of life, but I have access to god. Right. Right.

Mike Robicheaux:

And Jesus said, whatever it is I need, I can come boldly to the throne of grace, and I would obtain mercy. And I would always find grace to help in time of need. That whatever it is, Jesus said constantly he repeated to us. We just read in the book of John. Jesus said, I'm no longer gonna pray for you.

Mike Robicheaux:

Like, you know, I'm with you now. I did the praying. He said, time's coming. I'm going to the father. You're not gonna ask me anymore.

Mike Robicheaux:

You're gonna ask the father in my name. And whatever you ask the father in my name, he will give it to you that your joy might be full.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes, sir.

Mike Robicheaux:

Why? Because of the rock that was smitten. We read you, and I started off in 19th chapter of John. In truth, no longer shadow, no longer type, That rock was smitten. They hit him with their hands.

Mike Robicheaux:

They beat him. They plucked his beard. Put a crown of thorns on him. They nailed him to a wooden beam. Hallelujah.

Mike Robicheaux:

They pierced a sword, a spear into his side. They took him down from that cross and put him in a rock tomb. 3 days later, he rose from the dead. The tomb was opened. Out of it came the living waters.

Mike Robicheaux:

Amen. This living water is a person called Jesus Christ. Yet we're so much like the children of Israel in the wilderness. Lord, we're thirsty. Lord, I mean, if you don't come, we're gonna die of thirst.

Mike Robicheaux:

We're gonna go back in the world. Oh, no. God forbid. There's nothing back there but scorched ground and desert. That's right.

Mike Robicheaux:

And looking around you right now what's going on in the world, people. Everything it seem like man doing this falling apart. That's right, man. Yeah. I mean, there's judgment seem like on every hand because the people turning away from the truth, from the one rock that could save them.

Mike Robicheaux:

Now all of a sudden, we see, you know, we see the church in such a precarious predicament. Now they want to go back and all kind of works and change all kind of things that there's only one way. Come on. Yes, sir. Through Christ Jesus.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes, sir. Thank you.

Mike Robicheaux:

They forsook him the right way, it says. The rock that bore them, the rock that gave him drink, and they've going into idols and worship everything in the old testament. There's only one one rock that can give water. How do you get water from that rock from now on? Ask and speak to him.

Mike Robicheaux:

Lord Jesus, I have a need. Not based upon my goodness, but upon what you provided for me, I claimed that. And stand upon that word. You know what he promised? Hallelujah.

Mike Robicheaux:

You'll have it. Right. You'll flow water again. That rock still gives water. That's right.

Mike Robicheaux:

You can smite on it all you want. You can beat on it. You can hit it. That ain't gonna do it. I only bring shame to Jesus.

Mike Robicheaux:

Out of all he'd done for the children of Israel, what didn't he do? Listen. Here they found themselves one time as slaves, highly oppressed. So oppressed got to the point where they said, okay. Every baby male the male child is born, take him and throw him in the river now.

Mike Robicheaux:

How would you like to live in that condition? Here you were a slave already. They work you from dawn to dusk, from can to can't. They got you barely enough food. They wanna keep you weak enough, just enough to work, but not enough to rebel.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. They oppress you. They they did everything they can. Now your children have to be died, then all of a sudden because of the hard taskmasters, it says that groans and cries came up to God, so God did something about it. He knew it would happen.

Mike Robicheaux:

He put put he, prophesied to to Abraham that your children will be for 400 years in a strange land. Yes. And after that time, a nation is gonna rise up. There's gonna press them enough until finally they start crying out. And next thing you know, there come Moses across the desert.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's right. Let my people go. Amen. What did pharaoh say? Nope.

Mike Robicheaux:

Nope. I don't know who the lord is, and neither will I let your people go. Get back to work. Hey. Y'all make sure y'all make it twice as hard on them.

Mike Robicheaux:

Take away the straw, they'll get their own straw. I want the same amount of bricks made as before. And, boy, you thought it was hard before? 2 individuals said, now what you did, Moses, is worse now. Even Moses went back to the Lord and said, God, it ain't working.

Mike Robicheaux:

You only made it worse for them. What they got don't worry. I'm not finished yet. Did you go back to Sphero again? Yeah.

Mike Robicheaux:

No. He went there the first time. He demonstrated he was. I still don't know the Lord. Go stick it out over that and turn the water into blood.

Mike Robicheaux:

He went on with 10 plagues and finally, every time, pharaoh began to crack, but every time, god will relent. You know, he and and and, you know, he changed his circumstances, changed his heart again. Yeah. But after the 10th time, after the death of the firstborn, he said, go. Go.

Mike Robicheaux:

Speaks volumes, people. Oh, yeah. You're believing on the lord Jesus Christ, and sometimes, you know, you're saying, pharaoh, you know, Satan, let me go. And what does the devil you know, he's not too swift to wanna let you go. He doesn't seem to be in a big hurry.

Mike Robicheaux:

Right. But that's okay. God said, before this is over with Uh-huh. He's not gonna let you go. He'll load you up with silver and gold and Raymond.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, y'all going out with a high hand. People are gonna be telling y'all buy. Y'all go on. We'll get Gave him everything they had. They looked back.

Mike Robicheaux:

There was a ruined economy. There was a land that laid in waste. All the fields were burned over. The trees were broke down. There wasn't a leaf left.

Mike Robicheaux:

Grasshopper, everything. I mean, the the fire and hail destroyed all the rest. They looked back. The only thing I have is a few soldiers left a little bit of army, then they went back after the after the to bring them back. And before that was over with, by the time they got on the Red Sea, there wasn't a pharaoh.

Mike Robicheaux:

There wasn't an army. There was nothing left back there. Hallelujah. It's funny the children of Israel kept saying I'll go back to you. Let's go back.

Mike Robicheaux:

I'm gonna go back? No. Go back. You can't go back. The bridges have been burnt.

Mike Robicheaux:

Good. Thank god. Right. But does that mean you're just standing in the wilderness waiting for nothing? No.

Mike Robicheaux:

Promises are still good. God said, I'm bringing you into land that flows Milk. With milk and honey. Thank you. Every opportunity they missed because of one thing.

Mike Robicheaux:

God showed them time and time and time and time again his power. Once they got into the wilderness, they've seen something the weather nation never seen. In the morning, they wake up, they're a little bitty seed looking thing. Manna.

Mike Robicheaux:


Mike Robicheaux:

I don't know what it was, but for 40 years, they ate it. Yep. When they were hungry and wanted meat, told you earlier, I provide them quails for a monthly time. When they were thirsty, water came out of a rock. Yep.

Mike Robicheaux:

Whatever the need was, god met it. But when they came again to this place, what angered god was that, lord, the need is here. Why didn't you let us die in Egypt? Why did you ever call us into this war? Why did you ever let us get this far?

Mike Robicheaux:

Now look where we're at. That's good. No. It's just the next step. The rod ain't gonna be used no more.

Mike Robicheaux:

It was laid to his own son. So the price has been paid.

Mike Robicheaux:

Amen. Thank you, Lord.

Mike Robicheaux:

What is it that you need? Yes. Price is made. Price is paid. The promises are still real.

Mike Robicheaux:

Things haven't changed. You have to ask and believe in what God has provided for your life. Amen? Amen. And amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for this morning. David said, I had fainted lest I'd live to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. And Lord, here we are, Lord, this morning. You begun a great work in us. Paul was persuaded that you had begun a good work in us.

Mike Robicheaux:

We'd completed till the day of Christ. Lord Paul also said things that, lord, almost astounding, lord. Sometime in troubles and trials, we may faint or doubt, we may doubt, but you said he's able to present us faultless before your presence with exceeding joy. Lord, I don't know how everything is done, but all I know is what promise you made us, you were able to do it, lord. You're not an idol god that his eyes that cannot see in ears.

Mike Robicheaux:

They can't hear in the mouth. They can't speak in arms. That can't reach out and save. You're the living god. There's nothing impossible.

Mike Robicheaux:

Lord god, you astounded even the best of the men of god who knew you well. You came up with ways and but god, that that that that was beyond their belief, but yet, lord, you manifested your mighty miracle. Unto us is given the mighty revelation how you gave us your only son because that one great atonement that he sacrificed for at Calvary's cross. Because of our belief in what you have provided for us, lord, we can attain all things in life through Christ Jesus, our lord. Father, I ask if there's anyone here, lord, this day that backslidden in heart.

Mike Robicheaux:

I ask you to touch them and draw them back into you. Father, I ask for anyone, dear god, that that has a lack in their life that you would open their hearts and call them to see. Lord god, that the need has been provided by their belief in what you have given them, even your son, the lord Jesus Christ. If they need a healing in their body, dear god, help them to realize. Dear god, Christ has paid the ultimate price that none should do without if they place their faith in what you provided.

Mike Robicheaux:

In Jesus Christ's name.

Smiting The Rock| Pastor Mike Robicheaux
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