Crucifixion, Ascension and Exaltation | Pastor Mike Robicheaux

Mike Robicheaux:

The Bible says, appointed and demand wants to die. And then after this, the judgment. Jesus said straight into the way now is the path that leads us to eternal life, but broad is the way that lead us to destruction. Word was god, and all things are created by him without him. There's nothing made that was made.

Mike Robicheaux:

A lot of people have trouble to see who Jesus Christ is. He is God the Son. He is fully God and God the Father. God the Holy Ghost is. I'd like


to thank you for joining us here today on our first sermon from the past. I have with me brother Anthony and brother Isaac. So, but, Anthony, you won't go ahead and tell us what you have for us today?

Anthony Hayes:

Yes. We have a sermon from pastor Mike when he was alive. It was May 29, 2007. Wow. That's amazing.

Anthony Hayes:

Brings back memories, and the sermon title was crucifixion, ascension, and exhortation.

Isaac Hayes:

On that note, we're gonna go ahead and listen to the sermon along with you guys. Please stay for after the sermon, and we're gonna go ahead and give our thoughts and opinions. You be blessed and you be encouraged by this great word from a great man of God, a blast from the past.

Mike Robicheaux:

The book of Psalms, I mean, it's astounding, especially in that aspect. I told you a while back where in the book of Luke, the 23rd chapter, remember Jesus talked about it talked about the 2 disciples that wrote to Emmaus after Jesus was crucified and their world fell apart. They didn't understand. And Jesus constantly told them, you know, that he would be go to Jerusalem. He'd be mocked and scorned of the elders and the scribes, and they would crucify him.

Mike Robicheaux:

They would kill him. But 3 days later, he would rise from the dead. They couldn't grab a hold to what he was saying. Here it was 3 days after the crucifixion of Christ. They were going back home all discouraged when they ran into a stranger who was Jesus.

Mike Robicheaux:

And for some reason, he was distraught. They didn't recognize him. It's what kind of talk is this? You're walking along that and looks so sad. We said, well, we meant someone.

Mike Robicheaux:

We thought he was the messiah, but they killed him. Mhmm. The world fell apart. And he walked along with him and he said, listen, oh, fools and slow for it to believe all that the prophets have written. And he talked about all the writings that were in the book of Psalms.

Mike Robicheaux:

He talked about, you know, when when the book of Moses, the Psalms, and the prophets, but especially as where we're at today, we read the first fifty this time. Jesus said that his the book of Psalms refer to his crucifixion, his ascension, and his exaltation in the world to come. And so we're gonna look at a few things today in the book of Psalms to give us understanding. Now, I'm a start off with Psalm 22, But keep in mind, this is a picture directly, I mean, of the crucifixion of Christ. But it was written 12 to 1300 years before Christ died on the cross.

Mike Robicheaux:

The very type of torture and execution on the cross was not even known then. But yet there's just another reason why we understand the Bible is the word of God. No matter how much man in religion war against God's word, he said heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will never pass away. This book is what makes it different than any other religious book in the world, whether it be the Quran, the Vedas, or the the Hindus, or whatever book. There is no other book on the face of this earth that proves itself the word of god.

Mike Robicheaux:

One of the aspect, now all of it, is through prophecy, the telling ahead of history before it ever happens. It should be no great wonder because God wrote the book. The Bible says the scripture were given by inspiration of God as the spirit of God moved upon holy men. They wrote as the spirit told them. Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

You can just believe it or what whatever you want and not believe it's the word of God. And most men do because they don't want to be held under the confines of he tells us how to live a life that's pleasing unto him. That's understandable. That happens with rebels. But what we do understand is this, it was impossible to fulfill that this many facts of one time event of when Christ died.

Mike Robicheaux:

We're gonna talk about a few other things. It was impossible to fulfill that one time. You look at the the math the the mathematical statistics, and I forgot what it was, of any I think it was any 2 or 3 of the problems happening at one time, and these fulfilled a bunch of them. The mathematical statistics tell us that it was like if you covered the whole state of Texas, and it's a little bigger than Louisiana, with 3 feet of gold coins, 3 foot deep, marked one of them, went out there somewhere, mixed it, shook it up, and you got one chance to go find that coin. What's the chance?

Mike Robicheaux:

Oh, my sweet boy. That's good. Do it. That's only for most part, the Bible conscious prophecy after prophecy, but it fulfills the minuteest detail. Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's right. Word of God. Yeah. We all take closer attention. When it tells us to do what we ought to do, to repent, turn to Jesus Christ, we ought to listen.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's right. There's people there. There's gonna be no other escape. When Jesus gave us such words like I am the way, the truth, and life, no man comes to the fatherhood by me. That puts a lot of people in a precarious predicament.

Mike Robicheaux:

I mean, 1,300,000,000 Muslims, 1,300,000,000 Catholics, 1 point over billions of Hindus, Muslims, Confucianists, you name it. Not to say all the protestants that don't really believe the Bible. Yep. They trust in religious ritual and ceremony and not in the shed blood of Jesus Christ only for their salvation. You know, it puts it in a place where there's not many people actually believe the Bible.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes. Come on. Y'all gotta help me today. Alright? What do you mean?

Mike Robicheaux:

The water in the Alright. I'll do that after a while. Let's start off with a smile. Come on. Because if you're free if you if you don't have a smile, it means you're straining about something because it takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown.

Mike Robicheaux:

I do relax. So I want you all all relaxed. Okay. Getting better. Some some get okay.

Mike Robicheaux:

And I want you to listen. It starts off in Psalm 22 in the very first verse. My god, my god, why has thou forsaken me? Why god so far from helping me from the words, from the words of my roaring? Now all of you have been reading Bible a little while, especially gospels, understand that this was the exact word that Christ spoke from 12 1300 years later.

Mike Robicheaux:

Was it rehearsed? Was he planned on it? I don't know. From what I can understand, crucifixion is the worst forms of death to die. You believe Jesus Christ was hanging on that cross if he was an imposter.

Mike Robicheaux:

A lot of people wanna say that. There's a lot of theories of what happened to Christ. You know, like as you know, Christ didn't really die on the cross. He only faints that he was dead. Disciples took him down, and in the coolness of the tomb later on, he rose up.

Mike Robicheaux:

I could just see that. And it's one with nails in his hand, a spear thrust in his side, reviving, you know, just, you know, after losing all that blood, all that out there and he'd rise up and tell, you know, the disciples as we read a little further the gospels, I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth on me would never perish. Now come on. They wouldn't.

Mike Robicheaux:

You see, there was such a drastic change in the apostle's life after you remember before they were cowards. When they came to the rest of Jesus, they all fled after saying, we'll die with you. That's right. When Jesus did their heart, they stood again after Jesus ascended and they stood before the Sanhedrin, the rulers of Israel. Nothing could turn them back.

Mike Robicheaux:

Right. That's the ones who went they were threatened to kill him so we ought to obey god rather than man. And they did all end up giving their life for Christ. Amen. Crucifixion of Christ was no put up ordeal.

Mike Robicheaux:

It was real. Yes. That's right. We said before the Jewish authorities, you know, after, you know, the the the guards that I mean, Roman guards who wouldn't dare desert their force. We looked at that a while back during the time of Easter, the resurrection, excuse me, that, you know, when they allot rested the 12 disciples and the angel came and let them out.

Mike Robicheaux:

And when Herod went together, they weren't there. He said, execute everyone of the soldiers that were guarding. They don't do that. They don't fail when they're given a mission to do. If you don't if you don't complete, they would have fell asleep because the Jewish authority says you tell everybody while we slept.

Mike Robicheaux:

Bipos came and stole the body. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. They didn't fall asleep.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hello? Amen. They didn't fall asleep. They bribed with a huge sums of money. Other theory says where the Roman authorities took the body of Jesus and hid it in another place, and they thought it was a resurrection.

Mike Robicheaux:

But that didn't make sense. Because after the the disciples, god has begin to preach and and multitude begin to turn to Christ. All they had to do is go get the real body. He said, no. No.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's not ready. Look. He's right here. But they couldn't produce somebody either. Nope.

Mike Robicheaux:

Why? Because the things that we know of the gospel are real. Yes. Right. Jesus Christ, the son of God, died, was in the grave 3 days, not one day, one night.

Mike Robicheaux:

3 days and 3 nights. Yep. Early before sunlight, sometimes Sunday morning, he was arose from the dead. But I gotta go back to where it's stored at. My god, my god, why has that forsaken me?

Mike Robicheaux:

Let me save you a little time. I got a little bit to cover, so I'm a read it to you. Matthew gave this aspect. Matthew 2746 about the 9th hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice saying, Eli, lama Sebastianai. That is to say, my god, my god, why has thou forsaken me?

Mike Robicheaux:

What I was saying earlier, you think Jesus in the physical condition that he was, he was dying, was trying to think of a script that he could give before he No. No. It was just simply fulfilled word for word what was prophesied that the messiah would say in his dying moments. It says in Mark 1534, and in the 9th hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani again, which is being interpreted, my god, my god, why has thou forsaken me? Exact word.

Mike Robicheaux:

That is just only one point. Okay? We we we can't be a whole lot on just one point. 2nd verse says, oh my god, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not, and in the night season, I am not silent. But thou art holy, oh, thou inhabits the praises of Israel.

Mike Robicheaux:

Our fathers trusted in thee, and they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. Now remember, I'm doing an over overview. I'm not getting to each each point of, you know, of breaking out every word. We're trying to get to the main parts of it. 6th verse says, but I'm a worm and no man, reproach of men and despised of the people.

Mike Robicheaux:

You all remember those verses? Yep. Because it says in in that when he says, I am a worm and a man that no man reproach of him, despise the people. It's hard to understand who Jesus is and the role that he played. We understand he was the son of God, God the son.

Mike Robicheaux:

In the beginning, God, it says, created the heaven and earth, Elohim, a plural noun. When he was gonna make his prime creation, he made man in his image. God said, let us angels have no creative power. Only god does. Let us make man in our image.

Mike Robicheaux:

Man was made in the likeness of god who created him. On and on, the Bible gives revelation who god is. There are 3 distinct personalities in 1 godhead. In the beginning, there was always 3 beings. We know of now as the father, son, and holy ghost.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's not the way it always was. There was 3 beings. 1 became the son when he became incarnate, and he was born, took upon the flesh of a human, but it was God's spirit within him. And I remember a while back, I told you about 2, 3 weeks when I was in Mississippi, witnessing to Joe Whitney's house, she tried to tell me, you're trying to tell me God died on a cross? Now come on.

Mike Robicheaux:

Well, that's exactly what I'm trying to tell you. That's exactly what the Bible says, who he was. But then you've gotta understand all through the Bible. Like in John 1:one, the beginning was the word. The word was with God.

Mike Robicheaux:

The word was was God, and all things were created by him. Without him was nothing made that was made. Amen. But yet we understand the him who was God. Jesus said come unto me all you who labored heavy laden and learned of me.

Mike Robicheaux:

For I'm meek and lowly in heart, you shall find rest for your soul. That Jesus, knowing he was son, the creator, the master of all, was this humble? We read a little bit of him. It says in Isaiah 49 in verse 7, thus saith the lord, the redeemer of Israel, his holy one, to him to him whom man despise, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers. King shall see and arise.

Mike Robicheaux:

Princes also shall worship because of the lord that is faithful, the holy one of Israel. He shall choose 3. Speaking of the the the the the incarnation of the lord Jesus Christ when he would come, it said that he would be the man that would be despised and the nation would abhor him. It says in John 1 verse 14, he came into his own and his own. How it says that?

Mike Robicheaux:

His own received him, not his own nation, his own people despise him. By the time his mission is up, the nation hated him. Did he do any wrong? No. He went about doing good, healing that will all that were oppressed of the devil.

Mike Robicheaux:

Healed the sick. I mean, he made the lame whole. He opened blinded eyes, opened deaf ears. He made the dumb to talk. He even, resurrected the dead.

Mike Robicheaux:

He proved who he was. But because of the jealousy of the Jewish hierarchy, they had him murdered. But it was always prophesied ahead that the lord Jesus would die. And the main reason he came is John the Baptist said, behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sin of the world. That was the one mission Jesus Christ had when he came into the world was to die for the sins, not only for the nation of Israel, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Mike Robicheaux:

And here we find him dying on Calvary's cross. It says in Isaiah 5214, as many were astonished that his vision was so more more than any man, his form more than the sons of man. It says in Isaiah 53 I'm not gonna try to read all, but listen at it real carefully. It's one of the prime, place in the Bible we share one of the prophecies of Christ's suffering. So much so that remember the Ethiopian eunuch that when Peter had preached a a revival in Samaria, that the angel the spirit told him, go into the desert place and, you know, just wait.

Mike Robicheaux:

And there was a chariot coming. He said, go attach yourself to this chariot. Go run after it. There was an Ethiopian man. Black man was reading the Bible, coming back from church, from Jerusalem, still empty like he went.

Mike Robicheaux:

And he was reading the Bible and he asked him. He said, do you understand what you're reading? He said, no. He said, let someone show me how I'm not gonna understand. And so he came up into the church with him, and he found that he was reading in a place.

Mike Robicheaux:

It was Isaiah 53. And it says Philip began to expound unto him what it was being written about. Isaiah 53 1, who has believed our report? To whom has the armor of the lord been revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant out of a root of a root out of dry ground.

Mike Robicheaux:

He has no form or commonness that when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men. A man of sorrows acquainted with grief when we hid as it was our faces from him. He was despised and we esteemed him not. That was Jesus Christ, the the the sum of all beauty, the son of God.

Mike Robicheaux:

But yet he was rejected even by his own hometown, folks. They tried to kill him also. Remember? Now I'm not gonna read the whole thing, but it is important you understand Psalm 55. New testament tells us about the about Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

In fill Philippians chapter 2 verse 5, he tells the Christian, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, meaning he was God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a serpent servant that was made in the likeness of men and being found in the fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the cross even to death of the cross. Can you understand this? We're not talking like that. Joe Witness say he was Michael, the archangel. The Bible didn't testify to that.

Mike Robicheaux:

The Bible says plain in Hebrews chapter 2, he didn't come in the form of an angel. He partook of flesh and blood. He, Jesus, the son of God, God the son. And then he didn't come as a ruler. He came as a general lamb.

Mike Robicheaux:

He came for one reason, to die in our place, to die for our sins. He was humble. Though he was the god who owned it all, created it all, when he presented himself to the nation as their messiah, then riding on a white stallion, rode in on a donkey. The disciples of John came to him and show us where you live. He said, let the son of man has not weathered.

Mike Robicheaux:

Lay his head. The fox have hold, birds, and he has nest. The son of man did never place lay his head. Didn't own one one piece while he was on this shirt or anything. Came time to pay taxes, he had to tell Peter, go fishing.

Mike Robicheaux:

1st fish that comes up when you cast in a hook. Look in this mountain, there's a piece of gold, pay our taxes. I mean, when he died, he had to borrow a tomb to be buried in a rich man's tomb. But he just borrowed it for a little while. Because he didn't found staying there.

Mike Robicheaux:

Alright. 1st Peter 224, if his own self buried in his body on the tree, that we'd be in debt to sin should live in the righteousness by whose stripes you were healed. Something about him, it says in Psalm 22 and verse 6, the reproach of men despise the people so much so that they wanted him gone. Yeah. Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

Hard to understand that. I even Pilate I mean, old testament law demand that when a lamb was to be offered up, he had to be examined. Opened his mouth, checked his teeth, couldn't be crooked, couldn't be decayed, checked his fur, had to be perfect the wool, sorry. Checked his legs, couldn't be couldn't have a a a socket out of place, had to be perfect. Pilate, 3 times said, find no fault in him.

Mike Robicheaux:

He was examined by Herod. Found no fault in him. But Pilate knew when he was an innocent man that he was brought to do him for judgment because of the jealousy of the Jewish leaders. They said of them, there's a custom at every passover you'll let release a prisoner into us. And so Pilate and his thinking Pilate didn't wanna have Christ die die.

Mike Robicheaux:

He didn't want him to be crucified. He remembered that in their prison, they had a notorious prisoner, Barabbas, who was insurrectionist. I mean, he was always causing stirring up against the Roman government, always caused trouble and was even a murderer. And he said, surely, these quote unquote religious people would rather have an innocent man like Christ released than a notorious murderer like Barabbas. And when he said, who shall I release unto you?

Mike Robicheaux:

To his astonishment, they said, Barabbas. He couldn't believe it. But no one knows the height of hypocrisy and vengeance of false religion. Hello? Amen.

Mike Robicheaux:

Let me go on. I got a lot to cover in a little while. Let me go on verse 7. They that see me laugh me the scorn. They shoot out the lips and shake the head.

Mike Robicheaux:

He trusted in the Lord that he would deliver him, seeing him seeing let him deliver him, seeing that he delighted in him. Now these words right now that I just read to you, it's exactly what the Jewish leaders was said about him. Now let me tell you, they were not one to try to prove that the scriptures were right because Jesus said in John 5, if you believe Moses is right, you would believe me. And they said this about Jesus in Matthew 2743. He trusted in God.

Mike Robicheaux:

Let him deliver him now. If you will have him, for he said, I am the son of God. Mark 1527. And they that passed by railing him wagging their head saying, oh, ah, thou that destroyed the temple building 3 days. In Luke 2335, it says the the people stood beholding, and the rules also with them derided him saying, he saved others, let him save himself if he be Christ, the chosen of God.

Mike Robicheaux:

They repeated what Psalm 22 said 12 to 1300 years earlier. I'm a drop on down to the 12th verse for the sake of time. Many bulls have compassed me, strong bulls abatement have beset me. They gapped on me with their mouth as raved against a roaring lion. We understand that they the rulers are the very one.

Mike Robicheaux:

Understand, we talk about the Sanhedrin. That's like in America going to the Supreme Court. They had 70 leaders of Israel who are the chief men of that nation. They pretty much run the nation. They made the laws, the rules.

Mike Robicheaux:

They were supposed to be only upholding God's law, but they were the very ones who came against the very god who created them and gave them the law. Through their misinterpretation of the law, Christ was the only the only sinless one that ever walked perfect in the law, but yet they found fault in him. It says in Matthew 27, which I said earlier, verse 20, but the chief priests and elders persuade the multitude, they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. Why did the elders come against Christ today? Why did they disturb a mob spirit to get the common people to want Christ crucified?

Mike Robicheaux:

Because they resented. They hated the god whom they served. Listen. These were religious people. Remember what we said earlier about them.

Mike Robicheaux:

They wore the long robes. They wore, flatteries, the lad leather tongs about their arms filled with scriptures. They they had this thing over their head, a little scripture by full of scriptures. They prayed 3 times a day. They went to church often.

Mike Robicheaux:

They gave 10% of everything they owned. They gave arms to the people. They didn't even know God. Religion is not relationship. Religion does not save a person.

Mike Robicheaux:

It's easy for someone to make a religion out of anything. The only thing that saves is a saving knowledge of god's son, Jesus Christ, pure and simple. Acts 236, therefore, let all the house of Israel know shortly that god has made the same Jesus whom you have crucified, both lord and Christ. He placed the blame on the religious leadership of him for crucifying God's son. Acts 3 verse 13 18, the God of Abraham and Isaac, the God of our fathers has glorified his son Jesus whom you delivered up and died denied him in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him go.

Mike Robicheaux:

But you denied the holy one and the just desire to murder to be granted unto you and killed the prince of life whom god has raised from the dead of whom we are witnesses. And his name through faith in his name has made this man strong whom you know. Yay, the faith which is by him has given this man perfect soundness in the presence of you all. And now, brethren, I know that through ignorance you did it as did also your rulers. And those sin which got before has showed by the mouth of his prophets that Christ should suffer was so fulfilled.

Mike Robicheaux:

And so it was. Psalm 22 was one of the Psalms that were written that fulfilled, that was prophesied of the suffering of Jesus Christ. You see, these Jews could not believe that. They were anticipating the messiah to come. They believed at any time that the messiah would come who would deliver them.

Mike Robicheaux:

He would break off the Roman yoke off of them, and they would once more be the head nation. They couldn't see someone coming like Christ and humbly yielding up his life to pay for their sins. They couldn't see that. But that's exactly what happened. You remember what I said earlier?

Mike Robicheaux:

He had to explain to those 2 disciples that he was only fulfilling what the prophet said. They couldn't understand Messiah would come, but he would come twice. Once he would come to give his life as a ransom for sin, and he's coming back again soon as the king of kings and lord of lords, which we're gonna get to in a little while. Come on. We all gonna know the truth before long.

Mike Robicheaux:

I'm a drop on down a little bit further. I got so many I I I I'd wanna cover. In Psalm 22 in verse, 16, for dogs have compassed me. Now what do they mean by that? In Jewish terminology, dogs you talked about, there was there was only 3 kinds of dog.

Mike Robicheaux:

There was a literal dog. The Gentiles were called dogs by the Jews, and homosexuals are called dogs. In context, he was speaking of Gentiles, which you and I were. You remember the little Syrophoenician woman who came to Jesus? She wasn't Jewish.

Mike Robicheaux:

She was she just wasn't Jewish. She was Syrophoenician. She was Syrophoenician. And, her daughter was demon possessed. She came to the to Jesus, and Jesus wouldn't even look at her.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. She kept going after the the disciples. Please talk to get his attention for me. And they they said, man, Lord, do something with us. She she she cries after us.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said it's not right to take the children's bread and cast it to the dog. Right. But this woman knew what she wanted. She wasn't offended by it. She came with tears before Jesus said, yes.

Mike Robicheaux:

Even the dogs eat of the children's crumbs. That's right. So I'm not asking that. I just want a crumb. Yeah.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's right. And Jesus said, and great is your faith. According to her faith, he granted her her petition, and her daughter was healed, delivered. But there there is a aspect. He's talking right here about dogs.

Mike Robicheaux:

Now what did they have to do with it about his crucifixion? Yes. The Jewish leadership wanted him dead, had him arrested, but they couldn't kill him. So they brought him before the Romans, the dogs, the Gentiles, to have him executed. For the dogs have compassed me for dogs have compassed me, the assembly of the wicked having closed me, they pierce my hands and feet.

Mike Robicheaux:

Acts 427, the apostle's quoting the scripture of a truth against thy holy child whom thou hast anointed, both Herod and Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel will gather together. Matthew 736, and they crucified him. They parted his garments. Now who did this? Not the Jews.

Mike Robicheaux:

Roman soldiers, remember. I'm a read this a little while. And they crucified him and parted his garments, casting out that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet. They parted my garments among them, and upon my vest, they did cast lots. John 1937.

Mike Robicheaux:

And, again, another scripture say it, they shall look at him whom they pierced. John 20 verse 20. And when they had set so said, he showed them his hands in his side. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord, just after Jesus' resurrection. And they said to him, peace be unto you.

Mike Robicheaux:

As my father has sent me, even so I send you. When he said this, he breathed on them and said to them, receive you the Holy Ghost. For whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosoever sins you retain, they are retained. But Thomas, one of the the 12 called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, we have seen the Lord.

Mike Robicheaux:

But he said, except I see his hands, the print of the nails, and put my finger into the, the print of the nails and thrust my hand to side, I will not believe. Notice what what Thomas said. Notice what the Bible says how Christ died. They pierced his hands and his feet. There was no such thing 1200 years earlier, a crucifixion on the cross, a man being nailed to a tree or a cross, whatever it was.

Mike Robicheaux:

But here it was prophesied exactly how the messiah, god's son, the humble servant, the lamb of God would be would would be arrested and want to be put to death by the Jewish leaders, but they wouldn't do it. The Gentile nations would have him executed and not just executed. Anyway, they would crucify him before that method was ever known. In the 8th, and 17th verse, and I may look upon my bones for they look and stare upon me. It says in Zechariah 12 in verse 10, and I'll pull up on the house of David, upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplication.

Mike Robicheaux:

They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him as one that mourned for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. It says that, when Christ died, not in we we only have the first 50 per of Psalms. Then it says not a bone of his was broken. It also says, I mean, look upon all my bone. You know, Jesus was so severely whipped by the Roman soldiers that literally tore his flesh to shreds.

Mike Robicheaux:

The Bible says I read early in Isaiah 53, he was so marred that his vestige is mean that he's appeared. You couldn't even tell he was a man, but he was shedding his life blood for our sins. It says in verse 18. Well, let let let me back up just a little bit. I don't wanna go too fast right here.

Mike Robicheaux:

It keeps coming back back like they pierce my hands and my feet. There's something though Jesus was the son of god, though he died in our place, though he was executed the most infamous way, the most horrendous way to be nailed to a tree and dare to expire by exposure and pain and suffering. Yet we know the story. He died. He resurrected and exalted in heaven, Jesus, the son of god.

Mike Robicheaux:

And Jesus has something that we sometimes forget. The scores are still there. When he resurrected again, Thomas said, unless I put my finger, it was nail print Yeah. Stick my hand in the side. You know in heaven, there is Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes. If you were to see him, it says that in Revelation 2 5th chapter, he's described as a lamb that was slain. When you're gonna see Jesus, when he does this, you know what you're gonna see? You're gonna see nail prints. If you're gonna see his feet, you know what you're gonna see?

Mike Robicheaux:

Nail prints. If you'd look in his side, you know what you would see? A spear that tore through his rib cage. Why? Because all through all through eternity, you're gonna remember that's the only reason, the only way we have eternal life.

Mike Robicheaux:

That's the only way we could be forgiven of our sin was the in the innocent lamb of God, the son of God who willingly gave up his life for us. But then in this, when Christ comes back and people aren't we're not trying to go through all eschatology. All we know is soon as the Bible says, the blessed hope is soon to appear. Christ is soon to come back to his church. We're going through a 7 year tribulation period.

Mike Robicheaux:

At the end of that 7 year tribulation, Christ is gonna appear as king of kings and lord of lords. As it says in Revelation 19 chapter, he comes back leading the host, the armies of heaven with him. But it says this about him. It says in in in as I just read to you in Zechariah 12, it says, they shall look upon him whom they have pierced. Yes.

Mike Robicheaux:

It says in Zechariah 136, and one shall say to him, what are these wounds in your hands? Yes. And he shall answer, those which I was wounded in the house of my friends. And in Revelation 117, the book of Revelation is Revelation who Christ is, the lamb of God, and coming back as the reigning monarch, the king of kings and lord of lords. It says behold, he cometh with the cloud and every eye shall see him.

Mike Robicheaux:

This isn't the rapture because no one will see him. He's coming like a thief in a knife. But when he comes back physically, visibly to the earth, to the end of the tribulation period, it says then it says this, behold, he cometh with the clouds and every eye shall see him. They also which pierced him, he in the Jewish nation, and all the kindred of the earth shall wail because of him. This prince will ever be there, people.

Mike Robicheaux:

Our reminder that God, the son, took our place. What we deserved, he bore on us, and that we can freely be forgiven of our sin and inherit eternal life by putting our trust in the son of god. It says this amazing thing, and they parted my garments among them and cast off my vest on it. All the things so far that I read and fulfilled. Look at this little bitty detail.

Mike Robicheaux:

It says this in, Matthew 2735. And they crucified him and parted his garments, casting lot that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet. David was a prophet. They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture, they died. Not only were the 4 soldiers that given the job of crucifying Christ, they each had a part.

Mike Robicheaux:

But when it came to vesture's undergarment, it was 1 piece. They said, let's not tear it. Let's cast lots for it. Let's gamble. At the foot of the cross, while Christ was dying for the sins of the world, the the gentile, soldiers, they were gambling for his gold.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. How much more can it be so what the prophet said? It says this, they part my garments, verse 18 of 22, among them and cast lots for my vesture. People, there was no chance. I didn't give you just one fulfilled prophecy.

Mike Robicheaux:

I gave you a handful so far, and it goes on and on. We're only dealing with 1, Psalm right now. Again, in Mark 1524, when they crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, whatever man should take. Psalm 22 in verse 22. I'm skipping.

Mike Robicheaux:

I will declare thy name unto my brother in the midst of the congregation while I praise thee. Speaking of the resurrection of Christ, the exaltation of Christ. If you understand what took place when Christ rose from the dead, he had to send up into heaven first and there apply his blood to the mercy seat whereby all of our sins could be forgiven. Ephesians chapter 4, he said he took captivity captive when he ascended out of hell out of what we call the place of paradise was then the earth when the righteous dead dead were at until Christ paid the price, then the righteous souls were not allowed into heaven. But it says he took captivity captive.

Mike Robicheaux:

Therefore, the time of Abel, all the time of Christ's death, all the righteous dead were brought to heaven because his blood had paid the price. But we read this in, Hebrews 2 in verse 12. The writer of Hebrews saying this fulfillment, saying, I will declare my name unto my brother in the midst of the church while I sing praise into thee. You understand that speaking of Christ resurrected? Do you know that when you came to church together, if you're a church that belongs to the lord Jesus Christ, Jesus said where 2 or 3 are gathered together, there I am in the midst of them.

Mike Robicheaux:

Amen. Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 speaks of Christ who walketh in the set in midst of the 7 golden candlesticks. And it plainly says the last verse in Revelation chapter 2, the 7 golden candlesticks represents the churches of God. Do you know that when you came to church today, you may not see him with your eyes, but you should be able to feel him with your heart that Christ is walking up and down in the midst of desile. You know what else he does?

Mike Robicheaux:

It says this, in the midst of the church, I will sing praise unto you. He sings it to his father. You know Christ sings? You know, after the last supper, before he went to the Garden of Gethsemane there, he would suffer. Since him and the disciples sung, what's that?

Mike Robicheaux:

He's probably the best thing he can in fact, he created it all. You know, he still sings. Man, I'm I'm getting to all that. Anyhow, it goes on, and I'm not I'm trying to cover a few more things. Y'all got a few minutes left?

Mike Robicheaux:

It says this. I'm a go on verse 25 on down for ways. My praise should be of thee in the great congregation. I will pay my vow before them that fear him. The meek shall eat and be satisfied.

Mike Robicheaux:

They shall praise the lord that seek him, and his heart shall live. All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the lord. All the kindred of the nation shall worship before him. For the kingdom is the Lord and he is the governor among the nations. And they that shall be fat upon earth shall eat and worship.

Mike Robicheaux:

All they that go down to the dust shall bow before him and none can keep alive his own soul. A seed shall serve him and it shall be accounted to the Lord for generation. They shall come and shall declare his righteousness to a people that shall be born that had not done this. So what's he talking about? 2000 years ago, Christ Jesus, the son of God, died on Calvary's cross.

Mike Robicheaux:

He was in the grave for 3 days and 3:90 borrowed a rich man's tomb. He ascended from the dead. 40 days later, he ascended back up into heaven. And there he's been in heaven for the past 2000 years. And for the past 2000 years, we were living in a dispensation called the dispensation of the gospel of Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

For 2000 years now, God has commissioned his people to go into all the world and preach the gospel, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded them. A people is being called out of the world called God's church. Everyone that hears the gospel can be saved. Will all be saved at the end? No.

Mike Robicheaux:

The disciples plainly asked him, lord, are they made to be saved? He said no. He gave him so many words. He said there'd be few because not everybody's gonna respond. A lot of people rather religious ways go through religious ritual that we can still do our religious ritual and still live our own life.

Mike Robicheaux:

A lot of people are gonna reject it, not wanting to give up their sins, say I'd rather my life. They all wanna repent when it comes to the end but then it's too late. Everybody becomes a believer once they die, but everybody will be saved. But what the gospel says is to preach the gospel to every man in whom the holy ghost convicts their heart of their sin, realizing their need of forgiveness and of the lord Jesus Christ. He commands them to repent, to turn their life about, give their life to Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

And when a person puts their full trust in Christ, they aren't truly born again as Christ said. Then they are God's children adopted into God's family. And then we understand the fulfillment of these scriptures that for 2000 years, every nation has been affected. There is some in every nation has come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. When he returns, he's coming back with his faith.

Mike Robicheaux:

And then he's gonna establish his kingdom upon the earth. For a 1000 years, he will rule and reign as the king of all the earth. And then he goes on to eternity where once more we'll see forever the father and the lamb ruling over the universe. Yes. And we go into eternity.

Mike Robicheaux:

Never again will this world be moored by sin. We're just going through a process right now where he's ridding the world of all sin and rebellion. It's not yet run this course. Christ has paid the price, and the curse is being broken. We can't get into all that right now.

Mike Robicheaux:

I want you to remember I'm gonna quickly go through a few more things. Psalm 22 spoke of the cry the the the death of Christ 12, 1300 years before it ever happened, deflecting crucifixion on a cross, which he described so accurately, the things that Christ would say, the things that Gentiles, the things that the Jewish leaders would do to him, the way that they parted his garments, the way he would rise from the dead. That's what he speaks about in 20 verse 22 and down, his resurrection, glorification, all being fulfilled. We're gonna quickly turn back to Psalms 2 and quickly go through just a few things. Okay?

Mike Robicheaux:

We know that after Christ rose the dead, the disciples were given the charge to go and to preach the gospel into every creature. But Jesus told him not to do anything, but wait until he received the promise of the father which you heard would what he would send to them. 10 days later after Christ ascended was the day of Pentecost. On that Sunday morning, as the church, a 120 of them, were gathered together in 1 mind, 1 heart, 1 accord, as they were seated, the Holy Ghost arrived from heaven. Hello?

Mike Robicheaux:

And they were filled with the holy ghost. We began to speak our tongues as the as the spirit gave them utterance, and things begin to change from that day on. Peter preached a a message, a little short message, in 3,000 souls. I mean, that's the anointing, the power of the Holy Ghost upon those apostles. As a little bit later went on another time in the 3rd chapter, 5,000 souls were were 1.

Mike Robicheaux:

They were preaching the resurrected Christ. But the Jewish leaders again, as they done to Christ, wanted his disciples dead. They did not want this word spread because now conviction was beginning to come that they understood they killed the son of god. They knew it. They tried to shut him up.

Mike Robicheaux:

Twice, they born before them. This last time when someone read to them, they beat them. But But it said that when the disciples left in their presence, they were glad, they rejoiced, and they were kind of worthy to suffer such things for the name of Christ. And the church was gathered all together, and they prayed into the unto God. And they asked Psalm 2 verse 1.

Mike Robicheaux:

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, against his anointed saying, let us break their bands asunder and let us cast away their cords from us. It was being fulfilled when Christ walked the earth, the rulers of the earth, the Jewish Sanhedrin, the high priest, the elders, Herod, the king of Jews, Pilate, the governor of Rome. Everyone came together for one reason, to fight against God and his Christ and had him crucified. We find somewhere a few months later, the apostles were under persecution, and they brought the scripture up again.

Mike Robicheaux:

Why do the heathen rage? And the people imagine, if anything, what makes them think that they can never find eternal life in any other way but through Christ Jesus? Has the world gone mad? Look at the world which we live in today. They're not fighting against against against Muhammad, Buddha, any other religions.

Mike Robicheaux:

Only one religion has fought against and despised and persecuted this day. Amen. It's Christ Jesus and true Christianity. It's the only one. Schools today, they calls, like, in California after the attack of 911.

Mike Robicheaux:

They wanted the children there to dress as Muslim, learn scriptures in the Torah, and that they understand what it was like being a Muslim. If they had done it with Christ, if they had said we're bringing the Bible, doing scriptures. And remember, the Bible was the first textbook that America had. That rose to America's greatness. Remember, the the the biggest colleges we have today, Harvard, Princeton, all these were Bible colleges to their their goals were to train young men as missionaries to preach the gospel of Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

Now all they do is fight against Christ. Why is it after a while? After Christ has blessed the nation, blessed the people, why do they fight against him? Because that same spirit that always prevails today, today it's the same thing. People will have religion, but they will not have Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

And Jesus said, if you be ashamed of me or my words, I'll be ashamed of you when I appear in my glory with his holy angel. You see, it's always happened like that. Religion has to get to place. They see they don't need Jesus. Oh, that that's too narrow, too straight.

Mike Robicheaux:

Because Jesus said straight is the way, narrow is is the path that leads into eternal life, but broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. I remember when I was raised raised up in in in in popular religion. Man, I thought I had it made. I thought we're the only true religion. I thought it was the one I could do what I wanted to do, go to the priest, confess my sin, ready to go again.

Mike Robicheaux:

I didn't know that he demands holiness and righteousness, but I couldn't do. The only way I can keep it is by being born again and come to Jesus Christ. Having cleared me from my sin and his spirit and the spirit of God living in me. Perfect? No.

Mike Robicheaux:

But thank God, if I fail, his spirit convicts and he he he works in me till he causes me to get rid of it. And understand I need to walk with Christ. Let me go on a little bit further. 4th verse, it says this. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh.

Mike Robicheaux:

The lord shall have them in derision. He shall speak into them in his wrath and vex them short in this in his, his sore displeasure. Yet I have set my king upon my holy hill in Zion. The Bible said when Christ has said that he is seated at the right hand of the father. You know Christ is still alive today?

Mike Robicheaux:

The same Christ that walked the earth, the same Christ that was crucified, he is still alive today in that same body. Jehovah Witness says when he rose from the dead, he rose the spirit. But Jesus said to the disciples, they were scared he was a ghost. He said, touch and feel. A spirit is not flesh and blood like I have.

Mike Robicheaux:

This same body that Christ died in is ascended up into heaven and he is seated. He is coming back as king of kings and Lord of lords. Verse 7 says, I will declare the decree the Lord has said unto me, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. What he was talking about was when Christ rose from the dead. He became the firstborn of all that will forever live.

Mike Robicheaux:

When Christ came, he was in a natural body like any other man. He died. They killed him on the cross. His spirit didn't die. His spirit, the Bible says, went to paradise where he told the tree that died on the cross with him.

Mike Robicheaux:

Today, you'll be with me in paradise. A person never dies. He's right with God. He goes to be with Christ in heaven. Paul said to me, after in the body, to be present with the Lord.

Mike Robicheaux:

But if you're not right with God, you're not born again. You go to hell. No matter how much false religion always say there is no such literal place. The Bible says it. And Bible truth, spiritual truth only got from one book, and that's called the Bible.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yeah. Hello? But when Christ rose from the dead, the first ever, the first he had a human body, the first to ever to rise from dead, never to die again. Other people have been raised from the dead already, but they had to live to die again. But Christ is the first fruits of them that slept.

Mike Robicheaux:

Guarantee in our resurrection, whether it's in the rapture that happens when the dead in Christ shall rise first and we that are alive remain. 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 12. We, alive, remain shall be called together shall be changed and called together in a moment, the twinkling of an eye. But it fulfilled who Jesus was, the son. Listen.

Mike Robicheaux:

Ask of me, and I'll give you the the heathen for that inheritance, and that's what's been happening. The Bible says Christ Jesus ever lives. Hebrews 7:7. He ever lives to make intercession for us. He's been praying for you and I.

Mike Robicheaux:

I can see it's the only way I can say it. I was lost in sin. I was lost in religion. I didn't know I thought I was right, not knowing I was being deceived all this time until one time I finally heard the gospel at 21 years old. And the Holy Ghost opened my eyes, understood I was a sinner.

Mike Robicheaux:

Though I went through every written sacrament that I can go through, I was not saved. But when I asked Christ to come into my heart momentarily in that history, I knew I was saved. 32 years later, it's never changed. I know I'm saved because I put my faith in the shed blood of god's son. Yes.

Mike Robicheaux:

And he prays for me. And if you are born again today, it's because Christ sees what he said. Ask of me and I'll give you then heathen for your inheritance and, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession. Hey. Came all the way down to.

Mike Robicheaux:

Of all the place in the world starting from Jerusalem, like where it's ending up at, I know it's going throughout the world. There is not a nook and a cranny where God's spirit does not search out lost souls. He loves them and doesn't want to see them perish. Thou shall break them, with a rod of iron. Thou shall dash them in pieces of potter's vessel.

Mike Robicheaux:

Be wise, therefore, you kings, and that's the the the lesson, the message for every ruler of this world right now. Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the lord with fear. Rejoice with trembling. Kiss the sun.

Mike Robicheaux:

There is the divine revelation that God has a sun. You see, the Muslims say their first tenet of their belief, Allah has no son. Right there, it proves them a false religion, demonic religion. God has a son. His name is Jesus Christ, the son of God.

Mike Robicheaux:

Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled belittle. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him, in who, in Christ Jesus. The Bible says you can't earn salvation. By the righteous works of law shall no flesh be saved. But the Bible says that is the free gift of God, not of works as any man should boast, but it's the gift of God.

Mike Robicheaux:

God's gift is a gift to anyone that wants to be saved. Let me quickly run through a few things people I need to run through. Because in these 50 Psalms I'm gonna quickly run through some that I had put down. In Psalm Psalm, no. I'm a go further than that.

Mike Robicheaux:

Further than that. Further. Come on. Keep going down. Lord.

Mike Robicheaux:

Lord. Lord. I was out of script. I had to fulfill every script wrote down. We don't have the time.

Mike Robicheaux:

Psalm 16 verse 8, I've said always before me because he is at my right hand. Speaking of Christ Jesus sat on the right hand of god the father in glory. I shall not be moved. Therefore, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoice. My flesh shall rest in hope, for thou did not leave my soul in hell.

Mike Robicheaux:

Neither will thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption. Thou has showed me the path of life in the presence of its fullest of joy. And at thy right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. In the second chapter of the book of Acts, the day of Pentecost, when the the the Jewish people, when they saw him, he was speaking in tongues and they understood. They were saying they were speaking the wondrous works of god.

Mike Robicheaux:

And they said, what's going on? And Peter rose and told them what was going on. He said, this is fulfilling what Joel prophesied in the last days. He would pour out his spirit upon all flesh. And he got the attention of those people, and Peter stood up and preached to them a simple message.

Mike Robicheaux:

And then he brought up to them Psalm 16 verse 8 to 11. Again, in acts 2 when he was preaching to this crowd of whom 3,000 souls cried out to him, men and brother, what must we do to be saved? He said this, David speaketh concerning him, Christ. I foresaw the lord always before my faith. He is on my right hand that I should not be moved.

Mike Robicheaux:

Therefore, did my heart rejoice, my tongue was glad. Moreover, my flesh shall rest in hope because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption. Thou has made me to, known the ways of life and thou shall make me full of joy with thy cause. Meaning, this simply what he's telling you, the resurrection of the son of God, 1213 years before that ever happened before. It prophesied of God's son arising from the dead.

Mike Robicheaux:

He would never allow Christ's flesh to see corruption because he rose again from the dead. It says in Psalm 40, sacrifice and offerings, thou didst not desire mine ears, thou hast opened. Burn offering, sin offering, thou hast not required. Then said I, lo, I come in the volume of the book as it is written of me. I delight to do thy will, oh god.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yea, thy lord within my heart. I have preached righteousness in the great congregation. Lord, not refrain my lips, oh lord. Thou knowest. I have hid not hid thy righteous within my heart.

Mike Robicheaux:

I have declared thy faithfulness, thy salvation. I have not concealed thy loving kindness and thy truth to the great congregation. People, listen. What I've just read right here is one of the most astounding prophecies ever to be fulfilled. That when Christ Jesus came into the world, he said, then I said, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me, Psalms 40, to do thy will.

Mike Robicheaux:

It says this, Hebrews 10:5, the fulfillment. Wherefore, when he come into the world, he said, sacrifice and offerings, thou would it not, but a body thou has prepared me. Christ was born of a virgin. Christ grew to manhood. At 30 years old, he was anointed with the Holy Ghost and into ministry.

Mike Robicheaux:

3 and a half years later, they crucified him. That body that body became the offering for the sin of all mankind that would ever live. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, he was like any other person. Not any other. He was he was the son of god, but with great tears, such a struggle to where drops of blood were falling, such agony was in.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, father, not my will, but your will be done. He said, take this cup away from me. But not my will, your will. He knew what the father's will was. That that was the only way you and I could be saved.

Mike Robicheaux:

The only way. There's no one in this world good enough to be saved. None. I don't care how good you think you are. In God's eyes, the Bible says in Romans chapter 3, there is none good.

Mike Robicheaux:

No. Not one. If Christ wouldn't have went ahead, he had his own free will. The only reason that he went, the Bible says, is because he loved us. He didn't have to.

Mike Robicheaux:

He willingly laid down his life. They think they killed him. They didn't kill him. He gave up his life for us. Then said, I, lo, I come in the bible book.

Mike Robicheaux:

It is written of me to do your will. Psalm 41 prophesied that one of his faithful disciples would turn his back on him and betray him through Jewish authorities. Psalm 41 9, my known familiar friend, in whom I trust, who did eat my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. John 138. I speak not of you all.

Mike Robicheaux:

I know whom I have chosen, but the scripture must may be fulfilled. He did eat his bread with me as lifted up his heel against me, speaking of Jesus Iscariot, who turned his back on his best friend. Judas was an imitator. He was a true disciple of Christ. He was filled with the Holy Ghost.

Mike Robicheaux:

Christ sent him out. He healed the sick, cast out devil, preached the gospel. It was something the devil put in his heart to betray his son his master. Whether he thought he would escape again or not, we don't know. It stings that way.

Mike Robicheaux:

Nevertheless, he couldn't find repentance after he did what he did. He went out on himself, and he's in hell forever. Acts 1 in verse 25, the disciples, while they were waiting on the descent of the Holy Ghost said that he may take part of this ministry in the past when they choose not another apostle to take Judas's place, which Judas by transgression fell that he might go to his own place. That's what it was prophesied of him. And then I'm a close with one more.

Mike Robicheaux:

Alright. I know I took y'all a little long today. I'm sorry. With all the rest of the week, some of y'all may not read your Bible. Hallelujah.

Mike Robicheaux:

God forbid. Yeah. Psalm 45 verse 67. Thy throne, oh god, is forever and ever. The scepter of thy kingdom is the right scepter.

Mike Robicheaux:

Thou lovest righteousness, hated wickedness. Therefore, god thy god has anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy pleasure. A lot of people have trouble seeing who Jesus Christ is. He is God the Son. He is fully God as God the Father, and God the Holy Ghost is.

Mike Robicheaux:

Even in the book of Hebrews, he was making distinctly clear to every one of us the fulfillment of the scripture. He said in Hebrews 1 in verse 8, but to the Son, capital s o n, not to send his son. There's only 1 son of God, the only begotten of the father. It says this, thy throne, oh God. This is God the father speaking to his son.

Mike Robicheaux:

Thy throne, oh God, is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Therefore, god, even thy god, has anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Well, we're gonna close with that today. I I I bought out a few scriptures to you today, people.

Mike Robicheaux:

That it the the gospel isn't a mystery. Jesus said, search the scriptures in John chapter 5, for they are they which testify of me. People read the Bible to find a religion, find a few good rules to keep and think by living by the get an eternal life. But Jesus said the purpose of the Bible is to make them understand where they come from. They were created perfect.

Mike Robicheaux:

Where their fall came from when our our parents foreparents, Adam and Eve, were deceived and failed and transgressed against God. It brought sin into the world and sin brought forth death. And every man that is born into the world has the taint of sin in his life. If nothing's done about it, he will die, and he will go to a place that was created for Satan and his angels when they caused the rebellion in heaven. Man has a choice that they have to make either to choose Satan or to choose God's way, which is through his son, Jesus Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

A person says, well, I'm neutral. I don't I don't believe there's a god. I don't believe Jesus is the only way. It doesn't matter. I'm not for Satan.

Mike Robicheaux:

I'm not for I'm neutral, but Jesus needed is not for me. It gets me. There's no neutral ground in it. A man may wanna believe what he wants to believe, but if truth is truth and if it's absolute truth, everyone's gonna die, and everyone is gonna open their eyes in another place and begin an eternal existence. You would say, what if you're wrong?

Mike Robicheaux:

If I'm wrong, you ain't lost nothing. You'll just be dead. But if I'm right and if the Bible's right, you got heaven heaven to gain, hell to shun. Is there anybody here that big of a gambler? When it come against God in the recorded record that he put in the Bible, I just read to you a few of them, Verses that were fulfilled.

Mike Robicheaux:

They were prophesied and fulfilled 1000 years later to the t. Said what Christ said on the cross? Who would kill him? What he would say? What they would say?

Mike Robicheaux:

How they would divide his garbage? I mean, his rest every it's beyond comprehension, people, and there are 100 of pop fulfilled about Christ. You're the man who's gonna step and say, I don't believe it's the word of God. Thereby, casting with himself the only means that he can escape. It's like a man being, you know, going on a deserted island.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said, I think I like it here, not knowing that there was no water, no food. Soon as he lands, I like it. Hurry, it burns the boat down. What did he do? He just got rid of the only means that he had to get away.

Mike Robicheaux:

When a man rejects Jesus Christ, refuses to give up, clings to his religion or his sins, and not come to Christ, he burned his bridge, he burned his boat. Yes. The only way it means that he had it, he couldn't escape. He's forsook it. Yep.

Mike Robicheaux:

But, people, that's why the Bible was given to us. Jesus gave a story of a of a rich man who died, was in hell, Luke 16. When he realized there was no way he was ever gonna get out, he said to father Abraham, send Lazarus to tell my 5 brothers who are living just like me, lest they also come in this place of torment. Wasn't it a similitude? It wasn't a parable.

Mike Robicheaux:

It was direct story. But notice when Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets, if they don't believe them, neither will they be persuaded that one rose from the dead. Right. See, this rich man thought, man, if someone was rolled dead, they'd all they'd believe. No.

Mike Robicheaux:

No. If you can't believe the Bible, what it says, there's nothing that will help you. We bring to you the word of God. How God sent his only son to the world to die in your place because it was the only way you and I could be saved. But you have to do something if you're not saved.

Mike Robicheaux:

You have to make him the lord of your life. You're a free moral agent. You don't have to. You can serve him and have eternal life. You can reject him.

Mike Robicheaux:

Live your existence on this earth, and then perish forever when your eyes close in death, but you don't have to. The Bible says god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him would not perish but have everlasting life. Fulfillment of what Jesus said in John 10:10, accommodate they would have life and have it more abundantly, both in quality, quantity. You'll have a better life because you don't have to live in sin. You'll have a long life called eternity with Christ.

Mike Robicheaux:

The Bible says eyes has not seen nor ear heard, neither has it entered the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him. But god understands. You're your own boss. You're your own god. You decide your destiny.

Mike Robicheaux:

It says in Deuteronomy chapter 31, choose you this day whom you will serve. Every head bowed, I need to ask a question. Someone may never get another chance again. They may be going to eternity before this day is over with. I don't know.

Mike Robicheaux:

I'm not trying to scare him. I'm just telling you facts. If you've never turned away from your sin, if you never made Christ the lord of your life, let him save you and change you. What are you waiting for? If you're not born again, don't you understand the dangerous predicament you're on?

Mike Robicheaux:

As one of the old, preachers, Jonathan Edwards of time past started one of the greatest revivals in early America. In his message, he said, a lost person like a man walking upon rotting boards that at any time they'll break, and that man will plunge into an eternal hell. And it awakened the the the the sensibilities of man. Don't you understand the dangers? There is no second chance.

Mike Robicheaux:

Most of you would thought believe that you died, someone could pray. Yeah. There's no there's no such thing. It's not in the Bible. The Bible says, appointed unto man wants to die.

Mike Robicheaux:

And then after this, the judgment. You have to die. You have to stand before a holy god. In your own strength and goodness, you'll never make it. But if Christ is your savior, his blood covers and washes.

Mike Robicheaux:

He said to remove your sins as far as the east is from the the west, and I'll remember them no more. The Bible says whom the sun sets free is free indeed. The Bible says that we've received forgiveness of our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ, God's son. It doesn't mention any other way. No other method.

Mike Robicheaux:

No other savior but god's son. If you're here today and you've never made Jesus Christ to save your life, he wants to save you. Please come. Let us pray for you. Don't put it off.

Mike Robicheaux:

Don't wait no longer. You are running out of time.


When we start to understand what and why we believe, then we could better represent Christ for who he is. This is the foundation of our faith.

Anthony Hayes:

This is a very, very touching sermon for me. I heard this when I was young, and, it's very interesting. I like how he talked about, how he was talking about the road to Emmaus when the 2 the 2 guys, Jesus' disciples, they were talking. And I like that part when he said that, when Jesus came to him and he says, what do y'all guys are talking about? And and he says, well, have you you're the only stranger in Jerusalem who has not heard of the situation that's going on?

Anthony Hayes:

He says, no. Tell me. He said, well, there was a man. We thought he was the messiah. We thought he was the chosen one of Israel.

Anthony Hayes:

We thought he he we thought he really was the one. He did miracles and we just we don't know. Now we in doubt pretty much in what he was saying. And then Jesus told them, they said, have you not read what the prophets have said? Have you not read what with Moses and and Psalms and and all the great men of God, how they wrote and they they explained about who he was and and he was bringing them back to scripture.

Anthony Hayes:

And then of course he revealed himself later on when they invited him, when he broke bread, and then he appeared and they said, how our our heart has not burned within us to know that he was there all that time. So it's very amazing how Christ, you know, and our our pastor Mike was saying that how Christ bring them back to the old testament. And, of course, the old testament points to Christ. You know, I say it in my bible studies. I tell them I said, it's kinda like the old testament was like a cheerleaders.

Anthony Hayes:

They're there to get you started.

Isaac Hayes:

To hype you up.

Anthony Hayes:

Yeah. Hype you up. I'm sorry. Hype you up to get you ready for the big game that's coming as the football players, the moment everyone's waiting for. So same thing like Jesus, you know, and that's what the old testament did.

Anthony Hayes:

So Jesus is telling him to tell the disciples, you know, it's very much y'all a Jewish. Y'all grew up reading the the Torah.

Isaac Hayes:

First off, that's been

Anthony Hayes:

Long time.

Isaac Hayes:

Years since I heard of brother Mike's message like that, and, just reminded me how great of a teacher he was.

Mike Robicheaux:


Anthony Hayes:

I was so good.

Isaac Hayes:

He, you know, when you when you teach on this particular subject and you bring it out, normally, you would bring to, to the the New Testament side of it. You will quote, Mark 15. You will quote Luke, I think it's 22 or 23. You would you would quote the last part of Jesus' crucifixion, his ascension, and his exhortation. You would bring it out to that point, but brother Mike took it a whole different route.

Isaac Hayes:

He took it to Psalms 20 2 Mhmm. And he broke down prophecies, you know. You don't hear that too much no more. No. You know, you hear a lot of people will say that, you know, Jesus fulfilled all these prophecies for our man to go ahead and break it down.

Isaac Hayes:

And like brother Mike said in the message, he couldn't quote all of them. He quoted majority of them.

Mike Robicheaux:

Mhmm. And

Isaac Hayes:

it it just you know, you don't hear that type of teaching no more, bringing it from the Old Testament to the to the time of fulfillment. He made them scriptures come alive. And, the the the sermon, what was I don't remember hearing it young like you did, but, just hearing this message, it, it brought it did bring back memories.

Mike Robicheaux:

Yes. It did. Yeah.

Isaac Hayes:

It was, it was just, just the way that brother Mike preached, the way brother Mike teach, and, brought it back a lot of memories that, I just loved how he opened up and how he did the sermon. It was great.

Anthony Hayes:

Well, one thing I liked what he did was and I use this analogy a lot when I'm talking to people. They'll talk about like, they'll tell me, Boogie, how can you put your faith in 1 basket? How you can put all your your trust in Christ and the Bible and and all these things? Well, I say, well because I talk a lot about the new kingdom age, and I talk about, you know, going back when God's gonna make everything fresh, renewed from the Garden of Eden. People's like, man, how can you how you know for sure that that's gonna happen?

Anthony Hayes:

How can you definitely 100% put your full trust in things like that? How do you know it's not a lie? It's a I said, well and I do what Burrow Mike said. I said, Lewo, one of those things that encouraged me and to make me realize that other things could happen, look at prophecy. I say, can you imagine I mean, that is very hard for pro people don't realize how hard prophecy has to be hard to be to be for be to be fulfilled.

Isaac Hayes:

Look at the analogy he used, though. He used the analogy. You put, gold coins all over the state of Texas, 3 foot high, and you mark 1 specific one. You throw it in there. You you go ahead and you mix it up.

Anthony Hayes:

What's the chance you're finding?

Isaac Hayes:

Yeah. What's the chance you're gonna find that one marked coin? There is a chance, but it's a multi trillion, chance.

Anthony Hayes:

It's like literal winning the lottery.

Isaac Hayes:

Yeah. Yeah. Basically, it's likely winning the lottery. It's you know? And that's what these prophecies you gotta realize, Jesus just didn't fill one prophecy.

Isaac Hayes:

He fulfilled, I believe, it's 300 and A lot. Something prophecies. I think 330. I'm not a 100% sure.

Anthony Hayes:

It was a lot.

Isaac Hayes:

It was a lot. And just for him to fulfill 1 was a great chance. But for him to fulfill 300, that there's no man that could do that. Only God could do that. And, I I think brother Mike, you know, hearing this message back and, seeing brother Mike's heart, I think I think he did a great great job on this.

Isaac Hayes:

And, look, I encourage everyone to like, subscribe, all over our platforms. We're gonna be sharing this. This is a multi ministry Mhmm. Project right here with, BJS and with, you know, Coto Holmes Fellowship. We, you know, we we feel that these sermons need to be brought out, and this is one reason right here.

Isaac Hayes:

Well, the one

Anthony Hayes:

of the things I liked he brought out was when he talked about the Psalms, when he says about the crucifixion. You know, most this is a very amazing prophecy. Matter of fact, I don't think I think it's a good thing that one day we should teach an umbrella to search in one day. About Psalms, how it it goes to great detail about how, like, they pierce my hands and my feet and and dogs compass about me and and all kind of stuff. You think about it, crucifixion, if if my memory serves me right, crucifixion did not come around until really the Greeks and the Romans really

Mike Robicheaux:


Anthony Hayes:

if I'm not mistaken.

Isaac Hayes:

Later Greek side and then Romaside.

Anthony Hayes:

Yeah. Because the Romans adopted a lot of the stuff.

Isaac Hayes:

Psalms 20 it wasn't just Psalm 22 or the Psalms that prophesied. Like, he even quoted Isaiah 53.

Anthony Hayes:


Isaac Hayes:

You know, and that that passage right here, Isaiah 53 is one of the most detailed Yes. Of Christ's crucifixion, and he brought that out and, like, he just didn't bring out his crucifixion. He brought out his his ascension. That was prophesied. He brought out his, his acts as Mhmm.

Isaac Hayes:

Christ, as the man of God walking on this earth. So, I I think, you know, please enjoy this message. It was a great one for us here. Oh, yeah.

Anthony Hayes:

I soaked it in like a sponge just listening to it earlier. It brought like you said, it brought back a lot of memories. I could see him up there, you know, behind that pulpit preaching, you know. I was like, I it's it's a flashback. I could see it all over again.

Anthony Hayes:

But, I like how he did it. He make you really, really think. Mostly when he talk about prophecy, how, like I said, people don't realize how important prophecy is. Salvation's important. Learning about grace, learning about the holy spirit, all these things are very, very important.

Anthony Hayes:

But a lot of thing a lot of, like you said, a lot of churches today, they're not focusing on prophecy. Like, they I mean, back when I was growing up, that's what all you would hear about is prophecy. Mostly in the seventies, eighties nineties, you know, 2000, it kinda waned some, but but back when I was growing up in church and I mean, it's amazing as all you preachers will talk about was prophecy, how Christ was coming back, and there'll be one world government and an antichrist.

Isaac Hayes:

It went it went from prophecy to prosperity, unfortunately.

Anthony Hayes:

And and or wrong eschatology now where it's all about we're going back to Augustinianism where they teach

Isaac Hayes:

I think I think a lot of the churches, and that's one thing you're gonna get with these these sermons. I know we about that to wrap it up, LB. Yeah. But, a lot of these sermons, you gotta realize what you hear is from old style preaching.

Anthony Hayes:

Yes. The old days. Yes.

Isaac Hayes:

You won't you know, I think the church and I've heard, pastor Gabe Swaggart say it. I think also pastors pastor Reagan, my good friend from Crossfire, say as well. The church today has become a me, myself, and I type thing. Oh, I agree. Self proclaimed gospel.

Mike Robicheaux:


Isaac Hayes:

And that's dangerous. You know, with and I even heard, Kevin Wallace from Chattanooga, Tennessee

Mike Robicheaux:


Isaac Hayes:

Say the same thing. He said the church today is so focused on his self Mhmm. And not proclaiming the kingdom of God. And, unfortunately, we need to get back to, like, what brother Mike you know, a lot of you brother Mike, I I don't remember brother Mike ever saying the phrase, the message of cross, but

Mike Robicheaux:

if you listen to

Isaac Hayes:

that message, he was exalting Christ, and

Anthony Hayes:

when he exalts Christ, there's

Isaac Hayes:

the message of the cross.

Mike Robicheaux:


Isaac Hayes:

And that that's that's you can't you can't deny that.

Anthony Hayes:

One thing I liked how he said that I mean, it's not a good good thing because a lot of people do do that. He was saying when I I was listening to it this while ago, he was saying how a lot of people, they they they will hear the gospel, but sadly, a lot will reject it because they know they have to change their ways.

Isaac Hayes:

That's sad.

Anthony Hayes:

And it's sad and and gee like, the disciples told the lord how many will be saved and he told them very few. And I'm just rephrasing it, but Jesus pretty much told his disciples, there's very only few that's gonna wanna, like, hey, give up your life and stuff. You see, we we have a lot of Christians today. They teach prosperity. Oh, gods give you everything and this and that, and and you don't have to make no changes to your lifestyle.

Anthony Hayes:

You know, you can just be whatever you want. You can get saved, but you don't have to change the world, change your ways. And that's not what Jesus said. Jesus said, when you're gonna receive me, you know, you have to give up the world. But people don't realize people say, well, like, brother Mike used to say in one sermon, he said one time, or or it was him or some other preacher said it.

Anthony Hayes:

They'll say, you know, Lord, we have to sacrifice so much. He's, yeah, but, you know, how much you gaining?

Isaac Hayes:


Anthony Hayes:

You know? And so, yeah, it will be rough giving up a lot of

Mike Robicheaux:

things and it it is

Anthony Hayes:

a sacrifice being a sacrifice being a true Christian. It's not easy, but you look in the long run like, like, at new beginnings, pastor Brandon preached, when we had the youth thing. Remember that? He preached one night. And I liked it when you said, he said, yes.

Anthony Hayes:

He said there's trials and tribulation, but down the road, there's something bigger and better. And he's talking about when God's gonna set up his new kingdom on the earth after the Armageddon and stuff. So yeah. And I liked how he said that. You don't hear too much preaching like that today.

Anthony Hayes:

Like, hey. Yeah. You will have to give up things, but it's gonna be worth it at the end. And and it's so much different now where prosperity, God will give you everything, and you don't have to change. You know?


So, yeah, on that note, like what I said, please subscribe. That way you can be notified next time we have one available. And, just thank you for joining us, and we hope to see you on our next episode.

Crucifixion, Ascension and Exaltation | Pastor Mike Robicheaux
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